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Functional design patterns in Scala

Examples of functional design patterns in Scala.


Type class is a functional design pattern derived from Haskell (obviously).

Basic Mechanics

There are three steps needed in order to define a Typeclass:

  • trait defining action, which later on will be implemented for a number of types
  • companion object holding trait implementations for number of types (Boolean, Int, Double etc)
  • generic method with implicit allowing to make space for implicit implementation resolution based on provided type T


Action tells that String will be converted to T

trait StringParser[T] {
  def parse(s: String): T

Companion object

Implementations for necessary types comes next:

object StringParser {
  implicit object ParseInt extends StringParser[Int] {
     override def parse(s: String): Int = s.toInt

  implicit object ParseDouble extends StringParser[Double] {
     override def parse(s: String): Double = s.toDouble

  implicit object ParseBoolean extends StringParser[Boolean] {
    override def parse(s: String): Boolean = s.toBoolean

Generic method with implicit

Two ways of writing generic method allowing for implicit resolution based on passed type T:

def parse[T](s: String)(implicit parser: StringParser[T]): T = {

In Scala Typeclass is used so often that there is a handy abbreviation called Context Bound allowing to shorten the syntax above to:

def parse[T: StringParser](s: String): T = {

where parse[T: StringParser] is an equivalent of (implicit parser: StringParser[T]), also note implicitly[StringParser[T]] in the implementation.

Recursive Inference

Having type-classes defined for basic types, they could be used for inferencing more complex types like Tuple[T, V] or Seq[T].

Tuple[T, V]

In order to parse tuples we need to have below code, dynamically defining the StringParser[T] and putting there two other implicit parsers.

implicit def ParseTuple[T, V](implicit p1: StringParser[T], p2: StringParser[V]) = {
  new StringParser[(T, V)] {
    override def parse(s: String): (T, V) = {
      val Array(left, right) = s.split('=')
      (p1.parse(left), p2.parse(right))


Now, we can define sequence parser in a similar way as above.

  implicit def ParseSequence[T](implicit parser: StringParser[T]) = {
    new StringParser[Seq[T]] {
      override def parse(s: String): Seq[T] = {

Seq[Tuple[T, V]]

Having above, recursive parsers defined, we may go even further and combine recursive parsers, to get more nesting for free. Here is the sample usage, based on the fact that all above is already defined. There is no additional parser needed. We can basically start using it straight away:

parse[Seq[(Int, Boolean)]]("1=true,2=false,3=true,4=false")

and it produces:

Seq((1, true), (2, false), (3, true), (4, false))


Functional design patterns in Scala







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