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Merge map.js into dungeon.js
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oskarrough committed Feb 12, 2021
1 parent 2da508b commit 40e9b74
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Showing 9 changed files with 290 additions and 288 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion public/content/dungeon-encounters.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
import Dungeon, {MonsterRoom, Monster} from '../game/dungeon.js'
import Dungeon from '../game/dungeon.js'
import {MonsterRoom, Monster} from '../game/dungeon-rooms.js'
import {random} from '../game/utils.js'

// Hello. With the imported functions above you can create a dungeon with different rooms and monsters.
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Empty file added public/game/dungeon-helpers.js
Empty file.
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions public/game/dungeon-rooms.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import {uuid} from './utils.js'
import {shuffle, range} from './utils.js'

export function StartRoom() {
return {
id: uuid(),
type: 'start',

export function BossRoom() {
return {
id: uuid(),
type: 'boss',

// A campfire gives our hero the opportunity to rest, remove or upgrade a card.
export function CampfireRoom() {
return {
id: uuid(),
type: 'campfire',
// choices: ['rest', 'remove', 'upgrade'],

// A monster room has one or more monsters.
export function MonsterRoom(...monsters) {
return {
id: uuid(),
type: 'monster',

// A monster has health, probably some damage and a list of intents.
// Use a list of intents to describe what the monster should do each turn.
// Supported intents: block, damage, vulnerable and weak.
// Intents are cycled through as the monster plays its turn.
export function Monster(props = {}) {
let intents = props.intents

// By setting props.random to a number, all damage intents will be randomized with this range.
if (typeof props.random === 'number') {
intents = => {
if (intent.damage) {
let newDamage = shuffle(range(5, intent.damage - props.random))[0]
intent.damage = newDamage
return intent

return {
id: uuid(),
currentHealth: props.currentHealth || props.hp || 42,
maxHealth: props.hp || 42,
block: props.block || 0,
powers: props.powers || {},
// A list of "actions" the monster will take each turn.
// Example: [{damage: 6}, {block: 2}, {}, {weak: 2}]
// ... meaning turn 1, deal 6 damage, turn 2 gain 2 block, turn 3 do nothing, turn 4 apply 2 weak
intents: intents || [],
// A counter to keep track of which intent to run next.
nextIntent: 0,
280 changes: 213 additions & 67 deletions public/game/dungeon.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,98 +1,244 @@
import {dungeonMap} from './map.js'
import {uuid} from './utils.js'
import {shuffle, range} from './utils.js'
import {shuffle, random as randomBetween} from './utils.js'
import {monsters} from '../content/dungeon-encounters.js'
import {StartRoom, MonsterRoom, CampfireRoom, BossRoom, Monster} from './dungeon-rooms.js'

* A procedural generated map for Slay the Web.
* again, heavily inspired by Slay the Spire.
* What are the rules?
* 1. Starting node connects to all nodes on the first row
* 2. End node connects to all nodes on the last row
* 3. The graph can have a variable number of rows and columns
* 4. Each row has a random number of encounters from 2 to 5
* 5. Each row has six columns
* 6. Encounters are randomized in a row
* */

// A dungeon is where the adventure starts.
export default function Dungeon(options = {}) {
const dungeon = dungeonMap(options)
const graph = generateGraph(options)
const paths = generatePaths(graph, options.customPaths)

// Add ".edges" to each node from the paths, so we know which connections it has.
// Would be cool if this was part of "generatePaths".
const nodeFromMove = ([row, col]) => graph[row][col]
paths.forEach((path) => {
path.forEach((move) => {
const a = nodeFromMove(move[0])
const b = nodeFromMove(move[1])

// Add "room" to all valid node in the graph.
dungeon.graph.forEach((row, level) => {
graph.forEach((row, level) => { => {
if (node.type) { = createRandomRoom(node.type, level) = createRandomRoom(node.type, level, graph)

// Pass it your desired room type as well as the level,
// and it'll return a (more or less) random room to use.
function createRandomRoom(type, level) {
if (level === 0) return StartRoom()
if (level === dungeon.graph.length - 1) return BossRoom()
// if (type === 'M' && level < 5) return randomEasyMonster()
if (type === 'M') return monsters[shuffle(Object.keys(monsters))[0]]
if (type === 'E') return MonsterRoom(Monster({intents: [{damage: 10}, {block: 5}], hp: 30}))
if (type === 'C') return CampfireRoom()
// return MonsterRoom(Monster({intents: [{block: 5}], hp: 10}))
throw new Error(`Could not match node type ${type} with a dungeon room`)
return {
id: uuid(),
x: 0,
y: 0,
pathTaken: [{x: 0, y: 0}],

return dungeon
function Node(type = false) {
return {type, edges: new Set(), room: undefined}

export function StartRoom() {
return {
id: uuid(),
type: 'start',
// Pass it your desired room type as well as the level,
// and it'll return a (more or less) random room to use.
function createRandomRoom(type, level, graph) {
if (level === 0) return StartRoom()
if (level === graph.length - 1) return BossRoom()
// if (type === 'M' && level < 5) return randomEasyMonster()
if (type === 'M') return monsters[shuffle(Object.keys(monsters))[0]]
if (type === 'E') return MonsterRoom(Monster({intents: [{damage: 10}, {block: 5}], hp: 30}))
if (type === 'C') return CampfireRoom()
throw new Error(`Could not match node type ${type} with a dungeon room`)

export function BossRoom() {
return {
id: uuid(),
type: 'boss',
// The type of each node on the map is decided by this function.
// This could be much more "intelligent" for example elite fights should first come later.
function randomEncounter(encounters, y /*, graph*/) {
const pick = (types) => shuffle(Array.from(types))[0]
if (y < 2) return pick('MMME')
if (y < 3) return pick('MMMMEC')
if (y < 4) return pick('MMCCMME')
if (y < 5) return pick('MMCCMME')
if (y < 6) return pick('MMCMMEE')
if (y < 7) return pick('MCEE')
if (y < 8) return pick('MMEEC')
if (y < 9) return pick('MMEEC')
return pick(encounters)

// A campfire gives our hero the opportunity to rest, remove or upgrade a card.
export function CampfireRoom() {
return {
id: uuid(),
type: 'campfire',
// choices: ['rest', 'remove', 'upgrade'],
// Returns a "graph" of the map we want to render,
// using nested arrays for the rows and columns.
export function generateGraph(props) {
const defaultOptions = {
// map size
rows: 10,
columns: 6,
// min/max per row
minEncounters: 2,
maxEncounters: 5,
types of encounters. duplicate them to increase chance
M Monster
C Campfire
E Elite Monster
encounters: 'MMMCE',
// customPaths: '123'
const options = Object.assign(defaultOptions, props)
const graph = []
for (let r = 0; r < options.rows; r++) {
const row = []
// In each row we want from X encounters.
let amountOfEncounters = randomBetween(options.minEncounters, options.maxEncounters)
if (amountOfEncounters > options.columns) amountOfEncounters = options.columns
for (let i = 0; i < amountOfEncounters; i++) {
row.push(Node(randomEncounter(options.encounters, r, graph)))
// Fill empty columns.
while (row.length < options.columns) {
// Randomize the order.
// Add start end end nodes, in this order.
graph.push([Node('boss')]) // end
graph.unshift([Node('start')]) // start

return graph

// A monster room has one or more monsters.
export function MonsterRoom(...monsters) {
return {
id: uuid(),
type: 'monster',
// Returns an array of possible paths from start to finish.
export function generatePaths(graph, customPaths) {
const paths = []
// The "customPaths" argument should be a string of indexes from where to draw the paths,
// For example "530" would draw three paths. First at index 5, then 3 and finally 0.
if (customPaths) {
Array.from(customPaths).forEach((value) => {
const path = findPath(graph, Number(value))
} else {
// Otherwise draw a path for each column.
graph[1].forEach((column, index) => {
const path = findPath(graph, index)
return paths

// A monster has health, probably some damage and a list of intents.
// Use a list of intents to describe what the monster should do each turn.
// Supported intents: block, damage, vulnerable and weak.
// Intents are cycled through as the monster plays its turn.
export function Monster(props = {}) {
let intents = props.intents

// By setting props.random to a number, all damage intents will be randomized with this range.
if (typeof props.random === 'number') {
intents = => {
if (intent.damage) {
let newDamage = shuffle(range(5, intent.damage - props.random))[0]
intent.damage = newDamage
// Finds a path from start to finish in the graph.
// Set the index to the column you'd like to follow where possible.
// Returns a nested array of the row/column indexes of the graph nodes.
// [
// [[0, 0], [1,4]], <-- first move.
// [[1, 4], [2,1]] <-- second move
// ]
export function findPath(graph, preferredIndex, debug = false) {
let path = []
let lastVisited
if (debug) console.groupCollapsed('finding path', preferredIndex)

// Look for a free node in the next row to the right of the "desired index".
const isEncounter = (node) => node && Boolean(node.type)

// Walk through each row.
for (let [rowIndex, row] of graph.entries()) {
if (debug)`row ${rowIndex}`)
const nextRow = graph[rowIndex + 1]
let aIndex = preferredIndex
let bIndex = preferredIndex

// If on last level, stop drawing.
if (!nextRow) {
if (debug) console.log('no next row, stopping')
if (debug) console.groupEnd()

// Find the node we came from.
let a = lastVisited
const newAIndex = row.indexOf(a)
if (a) {
if (debug) console.log('changing a index to', newAIndex)
aIndex = newAIndex
} else {
if (debug) console.log('forcing "from" to first node in row')
a = row[0]
aIndex = 0
if (!a) throw Error('missing from')

// Find the node we are going to.
// Search to the right of our index.
let b
for (let i = bIndex; i < nextRow.length; i++) {
if (debug) console.log('forwards', i)
let node = nextRow[i]
if (isEncounter(node)) {
if (debug) console.log('choosing', i)
b = node
bIndex = i
return intent
// No result? Search to the left instead.
if (!b) {
for (let i = bIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
if (debug) console.log('backwards', i)
let node = nextRow[i]
if (isEncounter(node)) {
if (debug) console.log('choosing', i)
b = node
bIndex = i
if (!b) throw Error('missing to')
lastVisited = b

return {
id: uuid(),
currentHealth: props.currentHealth || props.hp || 42,
maxHealth: props.hp || 42,
block: props.block || 0,
powers: props.powers || {},
// A list of "actions" the monster will take each turn.
// Example: [{damage: 6}, {block: 2}, {}, {weak: 2}]
// ... meaning turn 1, deal 6 damage, turn 2 gain 2 block, turn 3 do nothing, turn 4 apply 2 weak
intents: intents || [],
// A counter to keep track of which intent to run next.
nextIntent: 0,
if (debug) console.log(`connected row ${rowIndex}:${aIndex} to ${rowIndex + 1}:${bIndex}`)
const moveA = [rowIndex, aIndex]
const moveB = [rowIndex + 1, bIndex]
path.push([moveA, moveB])
if (debug) console.groupEnd()

if (debug) console.groupEnd()
return path

// For debugging purposes, logs a text representation of the map.
export function graphToString(graph) {
graph.forEach((row, level) => {
let str = `${String(level).padStart(2, '0')} `
row.forEach((node) => {
if (!node.type) {
str = str + ' '
} else {
str = str + node.type

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