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You can install rnhanesdata from Github using the devtools package by running the following code:


You can view package vignettes at under the "Articles" tab. Alternatively, if you want to build the package vignettes, you'll need to install some additional packages and modify the call to devtools::install_github(). The code to do so is below

## install required CRAN packages
pckgs <- c("knitr","kableExtra",              ## packages used for creating Tables
           "devtools",                        ## package used to download R packages stored on GitHub
           "ggplot2", "gridExtra",            ## packages for plotting 
           "corrplot",                        ## for correlation plot
           "reshape2",                        ## for transforming data long -> wide and wide -> long 
           "dplyr",                           ## packages for merging/transforming data
           "survey",                          ## package used for analyzing complex survey data in R
           "mgcv", "refund"                   ## packages used for smoothing/fpca
sapply(pckgs, function(x) if(!require(x,character.only=TRUE,quietly=TRUE)) {
    require(x, character.only=TRUE)
devtools::install_github("andrew-leroux/rnhanesdata", build_vignettes = TRUE, 
                         build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual"))

Once this package is installed, see the help file associated with the package (?rnhanesdata) for an overview of the primary package functions, as well as a high level description of the processed NHANES data included in the package. Each set of processed data includes it's own set of documentation.