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/ kiosks Public

App for driving the various kiosks hosted in the library

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

CircleCI Coverage Status

The application is built as a combination of traditional Ruby on Rails for the backend and frontend administration interfaces along with a React app for the kiosk displays.


  • Ruby 2.5.1
  • NVM

Server setup notes

See example files located in config/**/\* for the type of configurations needed on the server

  • shared/config : Contains server configuration files not appropriate for the repository, symlinked by the deploy process.
  • shared/config/application_config.yml.erb : Application specific configuration, such as Google Analytics ID.
  • shared/config/local_env.yml : Local ENV variables used in files such as database.yml.
  • shared/config/config.yml : Application deployment configurations for server, path, and user detail.
  • shared/config/puma/*.rb : Environment specific configurations for the Puma web server.
  • shared/config/secrets.yml : Secrets.

Development workflow

Install node modules

Run yarn install in the application root directory to install dependencies.

Create config files

Copy config/application_config.example.yml.erb to config/application_config.yml.erb. Copy config/local_env.example.yml to config/local_env.yml

Configure CAS Login

In config/local_env.yml set values for CAS_BASE_URL and CAS_VALIDATE_URL (see production server)

Set Admin Privileges

First log in, then in Rails Console:

irb(main):001:0> me = User.last
irb(main):002:0> me.admin = true

Load Drupal Development/Test database with seed data.

Run bundle exec rake test_drupal_database:setup to load the development database with some seed data for the "Hours" API.


  • docker-compose build
  • docker-compose up web
  • docker-compose exec web bundle exec rails c

React app directory structure

App code is found in app/javascript/react. Tests are run using Jest and are found in spec/javascripts/react with a directory structure to match the app code.

  • actions/* : Redux actions.
  • components/presentational/**/* : Simple presentational components.
  • components/Root.js : The React application root container that ties the Redux store to the component tree.
  • components/* : Components which use Redux connect to connect the dispatch and state to props.
  • reducers/* : Redux reducers.
  • store/configureStore.js : Redux store creation with middleware.

Rails API notes

  • The API has versioning with the ability to warn and expire versions based on a configuration change in app/config/application_config.yml.erb.
  • app/controllers/api/v# : Controllers and concerns.
  • app/models/api/v# : Models.
  • config/initializers/api.rb : Require all of the code in lib/api/**/*.
  • config/initializers/db_config.rb : Load and parse the config/database.yml.
  • config/locales/en.yml : Localized strings for api related messages.
  • config/routes.rb : Contains namespaced routes and configuration for the api routes.
  • lib/api/v# : API related code by version.
  • lib/tasks/api/v# : Rake task(s), such as test_drupal_database:setup.
  • Specs are located in similarly named paths related to the API and version directories.

Making HTTP calls to the API

The API routes are protected by constraints described in lib/api/v#/constraints.rb which enforce the existence and setting of the ACCEPT header on each request. An example of a valid HTTP ACCEPT header for version 1:
