A Racket interface for the Google Cloud text-to-speech API.
Complete documentation is available.
Here’s a quick example program:
#lang racket
(require wavenet
(api-key (file->string "api.rktd"))
(define british-dude
#hasheq((languageCodes . ("en-GB"))
(name . "en-GB-Wavenet-B")
(naturalSampleRateHertz . 24000)
(ssmlGender . "MALE")))
(define (say text)
(synthesize text british-dude #:output-file "temp.mp3")
(play-sound "temp.mp3" #t))
To make use of this package, you need a Google Cloud API key.
To install from within DrRacket, click File → Install Package, type wavenet
into the
box and click Install.
To install from the command line, run raco pkg install wavenet