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Google Location Autofill

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Google Location Autofill is a Statamic 3 addon that allows you to pull Google places locations via autotype field and save the location information.

Google autocomplete location


This Fieldtype works with Statamic 3 only!

Step 1.

  1. Run the following command in your v3 project root:
composer require otherjohn/google-location-autofill

Step 2.

Publish addon assets from vendor package

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=otherjohn\google-location-autofill\ServiceProvider --force

You should now have the field show up in your field list.

Does the Fieldtype does not show up? Rebuild your addon package manifest and clear your cache

php please addons:discover
php please cache:clear


Since Google has additional charges for data that is pulled by default, the ability to select and choose what you want pulled from Google has been added to the addon.

The following data is saved with this fieldtype by default. You can change this in the fieldtype settings when you add the field to your blueprint. A list of all fields available is in the PlaceResults docs.


address_components will output the following: street_number,route,locality,administrative_area_level_2,administrative_area_level_1,country,postal_code. If you remove address_components you will loose these fields.

geometry outputs latitude,longitude. If you remove geometry you will loose these fields.

Reporting issues

This is my first ever community code share. I will try to fix issues, but I can't promise anything. So if you have an issue and I don't get to it just remember...

It's Free Software


Initial code taken from olefirenko/vue-google-autocomplete and modified to return more data and work with Statamic. & "Added the option to specify which fields to fetch in the PlaceResult object" Pull Request