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OTHub Runtime !!!!! DEPRECIATED !!!!!

OTHub Runtime is a community managed NodeJS backend specifically built to work in tandem with the othub-react and otp-sync repositories. It is a critical infrastructure for OTHub.

OTHub Runtime:

  • Facilitates all current and future data requests between OTHub's front end, othub-react and the MySQL database maintained by otp-sync;
  • Generates API keys required to request data from othub-api;
  • Faciliates all DKG get/publish requests via the dkg.js SDK to an OTHub hosted node for both Mainnet and Testnet;



Please be aware that the instructions below are for users with a fully synchronized OriginTrail Parachain blockchain by using otp-sync or any other indexing method which is required to run this backend.

Set up your working environment

git clone
cd othub-runtime
cp .example-env .env
npm install

Below is the list of essential parameters:

Params Description
PORT The port the runtime will be available on.
SSL_KEY_PATH The Private Key path for SSL.
SSL_CRT_PATH The certificate path for SSL.
OT_NODE_HOSTNAME The IP or DNS name for the otnode required for specific features.
OT_NODE_PORT The port the otnode will be available on.
DBHOST The IP or DNS name of the mySQL DB instance sync'd with otp-sync
USER Username for accessing the mySQL database
PASSWORD Password for accessing the mySQL database
OTHUB_DB OTHub database name (non-sync data)
SYNC_DB Sync database, refer to otp-sync for details

Set up your MySQL database

apt-get install mysql-server -y
node ~/othub-runtime/create-db.js

Copy the service file and start the runtime

cp ~/othub-bot/othub-runtime.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start othub-runtime
systemctl enable othub-runtime


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