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Phaser 3 template

Project development setup for Phaser 3.


  • Asset management
  • Auto spritesheet
  • Code hinting
  • Custom Class (global scope)
  • custom phaser import
  • Image optimization on build
  • Auto zip on build
  • Easily change setup configure with

  • eslint Airbnb with some customization, see .eslintrc.
  • test (mocha and chai --in-progress)
  • dev server with live-reload and auto port finder
  • simple SHOW_ALL style stretch mode
  • Auto spritesheet with spritesmith
  • Image optimization on build
  • streamlined assets loading
  • modular development setup
  • Facebook instant setup

How to run

  • Prepare: npm install or yarn install
  • Development: npm start or yarn start
  • Build: npm run build:web or yarn run build:web
  • Update Phaser: npm run update:phaser

File Structure guide

Checkout branch

  • Master (Main)
  • FB (facebook instant) (Deprecated)


  • 'assets/' => for external assets and spritesheet source (see for more information)
  • configs/
    • '' => for development setup options
  • plugins/ => Place all the plugin files or build your own here.
  • 'src/' => here is your working folder for actual game creation
    • 'assets/' => put all the assets in this folder to load in assets.json
    • 'objects/' => think of it as your prefab assets
    • 'scene/' => all the game scene
    • 'utils/' => helper functions
      • customs => all your custom classes or function
    • 'assets.json' => configure this to load all the assets
    • 'config.js' => configure phaser
    • 'global' => available as Global in all files
    • 'main.js' => phaser initialization
  • 'index.html' => no need to touch it! but this is your main html

** fb instant (outdated)

  • config.json => for fb instant development
  • fbapp-config.json => for fb messenger settings


  • use to modify and control project setup.
  • any custom object, class, function included in src/utils/index.js is accessible in global(window) scope as Customs
  • first change package.json, title and version to reflect your project.
  • choose which phaser module to load in src/main.js.
  • set format on save in your editor(i.e. vscode) to auto format based on prettier.
  • No need to use full path when accessing files. alias are available in webpack.common.js and jsconfig.json file. please refer to this files for the available list or adding new ones.
  • Create additional build files by copying for plugins and for game.
  • You can remove package-lock.json from .gitignore as recommended by NPM in your game projects.


there are number of option available in ./cli.js you can extend it's functionality as you want.

To create scene

node cli scene <scene-name>

To create Object

node cli obj <object-type> <object-name>

To update scenes index

node cli update