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Sven Nissel edited this page Apr 18, 2022 · 1 revision


To help the OtrosLogViewer project, you are very welcome to develop with us together. You can help by testing, bugfixing, creating new features or writing documentation.

If you have more question's you can write a eMail to the developer Sven Nissel (

Working on code

Fork project

First you must create a fork of the project: Fork project

See also: Fork a repo

Than you can create a branch from master and work on it.

Install IDE Intellij

Download the community edition of Intellij.

Import the code style import codestyle

Change save action for automatic format changes. Or alternatively you format code on commit. action on save

Start application

You must run the main class pl.otros.logview.gui.LogViewMainFrame. You can also use an other home directory for developing, by setting env variable -Duser.home=c:/myDirectory

run configuration

Run tests

gradle test

Build bundled .zip file

With gradle assembleDist will be created in olv-dist/buiLd/distributions

Create a pull request

Create on github a pull request to the master branch. Please enable you email notifications on this pull request if a developer ask something.

Working on Wiki

At the moment I don't know the best way. The wiki can be cloned locally and if you change the markdown files you can send Sven Nissel ( a patch. Is there a better way?

Clone this wiki locally