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OttoFeller Projen Templates

Test workflow status

📀 User guide

In order to install a certain project (template) from @ottofeller/templates call npx projen new in the dir of the new project in the following way:

# This will synthesize NextJS project in the current dir
npx projen new --from @ottofeller/templates ottofeller-nextjs

Update a project

In order to pull template updates you need to specify the desired version of the @ottofeller/templates package in either .projenrc.ts file or in package.json (if the version in .projenrc.ts is not fixed). Then run the default projen task:

npx projen 

Upon completion the following changes would apply:

  • all packages with specified versions are updated (if a template does not specify a dependency version, it is not managed by projen and can be updated by simply setting the desired version in package.json; note that this way package-lock.json is not necessarily updated, thus you need to check it as well);
  • all projen-generated files are updated;
  • all sample code files are left unchanged (note that if you have deleted some sample code files they will be recreated unless you use the sampleCode: false option).

Install new packages

The common approach of installing packages by running npm install <package-name> won't work because npx projen re-synthesizes all files, including package.json. For dependency handling see the docs in projen repo:

To install a new packages to the project:

  • Add a new item with the package name to either the deps or devDeps array in project options. Alternative way would be to use project.addDeps('package-name') or project.addDevDeps('dev-package-name').
  • Run npx projen. This will update the package.json and lock file as well.

Note that there are two distinct approaches in controlling package version:

  • Strict version control in .projenrc.ts - when adding packages one specifies a name and a version. All updates are handled manually by specifying a new version and then running npx projen to resynthesize the project.
  • Specifying just a package name in .projenrc.ts. This is how projen recommends it. When no version is specified it makes it possible to update versions in package.json and package-lock.json without touching the .projenrc.ts file. It also allows the use of dependabot - otherwise all changes introduced by dependabot would be overwritten on npx projen.


To get rid of projen run this command:

npm run eject 

The command removes default projen task, makes projen remove its authority from all the generated files and stop tracking changes. At this moment the project is managed as a regular repository (feel free to edit and remove files).

All the projen tasks are run via a custom runner, so the runner is saved into the project at scripts/run-task and the tasks remain in the project in a tasks definition file (.projen/tasks.json). All the internal tasks within the templates are saved as npm scripts and thus don't need this task runner. Therefore the task runner and the tasks definition file file can be deleted. If you had any custom tasks created in your project either use this runner or make sure to convert all the tasks into npm scripts before deleting the tasks definition file and the runner.

🛠 Development guide


Simply install dependencies:

npm ci


The app itself is based on a projen template, so it can be synthesized (a code generated out of projen's TS files). Modify the app's template in .projenrc.ts and run the following command:

npx projen

⚠️ Normally you should never modify anything other than templates in src/ dir and .projenrc.ts.


The build is the process of creating JSII artifacts. These are the files required to run npx projen new --from ... (JSII is much more powerful technology, but it is out of the scope of this project). The build creates/updates the .jsii file (JSII config):

npx projen build


Publishing is a two-step process:

  • a GitHub action bumps version (creating a new commit with appropriate tag) and creates a draft release;
  • after the release is published another GitHub action builds the artifacts and pushes them to npm.

🧩 Templates

Apollo Server

# Create a project with defaults
npx projen new --from @ottofeller/templates ottofeller-apollo-server
# With options
npx projen new \
  ottofeller-apollo-server \
  --from @ottofeller/templates \
  --hasDocker=false \
  --hasGitHooks=false \
  --lintPaths=src --lintPaths=test \


For a list of available options see Common custom options.

Codegen config

See the Codegen config subsection for the NextJS template above.

Backend test

npx projen new --from @ottofeller/templates ottofeller-backend-test
# With options
npx projen new \
  ottofeller-backend-test \
  --from @ottofeller/templates \
  --hasGitHooks=false \
  --lintPaths=src --lintPaths=test \
  --hasDefaultGithubWorkflows=false \
  --isGraphqlEnabled=false \


isAWSDynamoDBEnabled - sets up AWS DynamoDb dependencies and supplementary script; defaults to true.

For other options see Common custom options.


npx projen new --from @ottofeller/templates ottofeller-cdk
# With options
npx projen new \
  ottofeller-cdk \
  --from @ottofeller/templates \
  --hasGitHooks=false \
  --lintPaths=src --lintPaths=test \
  --hasDefaultGithubWorkflows=false \
  --hasRustTestWorkflow=true \
  --isGraphqlCodegenEnabled=true \


initialReleaseVersion - the base version of the very first release; defaults to 0.0.1.

isGraphqlCodegenEnabled - sets up GraphQL dependencies and supplementary script; defaults to false.

For other options see Common custom options.


npx projen new --from @ottofeller/templates ottofeller-nextjs
# With options
npx projen new \
  ottofeller-nextjs \
  --from @ottofeller/templates \
  --hasGitHooks=false \
  --lintPaths=src \
  --hasDefaultGithubWorkflows=false \
  --hasRustTestWorkflow=true \
  --isGraphqlEnabled=false \
  --isUiConfigEnabled=false \


isUiConfigEnabled - sets up ui packages; defaults to true.

isLighthouseEnabled - sets up Lighthouse audit script & GitHub job; defaults to true.

For other options see Common custom options.


The config for NextJS is separated into two parts:

  • next.config.defaults.js - default config options deployed with the template; the file is readonly and shall not be edited;
  • next.config.js - editable config that by default only imports the next.config.defaults.js; feel free to edit the file, add required options, or include only the needed part of the default config.

UI packages

The project contains some UI-related packages:

  • tailwindcss (along with a few plugins);
  • postcss;
  • autoprefixer;
  • @headlessui/react.

These are included by default and can be excluded providing an isUiConfigEnabled: false option.


The template uses tailwind for CSS. There are two config files (similar to NextJS configuration):

  • tailwind.config.defaults.js - default config options deployed with the template; the file is readonly and shall not be edited;
  • tailwind.config.js - editable config that by default only imports the tailwind.config.defaults.js; feel free to edit the file, add required options, or include only the needed part of the default config.

Codegen config

The template uses @graphql-codegen packages for GraphQL management. The codegen config is copied from the assets folder (see the codegen.ts file). Feel free to edit the config.

In order to exclude the GraphQL packages from the project use the isGraphqlEnabled: false option. NOTE that the config file codegen.ts is editable and therefore not controlled by projen after creation. This means after GraphQL dependencies removal it remains in the project and should be deleted manually.


Add src reference to imports

After update to next@13.2.4 the typescript alias "*" : ["./src/*"] no longer works with jest/swc. The simplest solution is to get rid of the alias and update all imports - the codemod does exactly this. To run the codemod an npm script is added to the project: codemod:add-src-to-imports. The script run jscodeshift on src and pages folders. Feel free to add any arguments acceptable by jscodeshift.


# Default: run the codemod on contents of src and pages folders
npm run codemod:add-src-to-imports
# Run the codemod in dry mode to see the extent of modification
npm run codemod:add-src-to-imports -- --dry


A playwright based template for browser test projects.

npx projen new --from @ottofeller/templates ottofeller-playwright
# With options
npx projen new \
  ottofeller-playwright \
  --from @ottofeller/templates \
  --hasGitHooks=false \
  --lintPaths=src \
  --hasDocker=false \


For a list of available options see Common custom options.


An SST based template for easy deployment of modern full-stack applications on AWS.

npx projen new --from @ottofeller/templates ottofeller-sst

The initial release version can be set with initialReleaseVersion option:

npx projen new \
  ottofeller-sst \
  --from @ottofeller/templates \
  --hasGitHooks=false \
  --lintPaths=src --lintPaths=test \
  --hasDefaultGithubWorkflows=false \


initialReleaseVersion - the base version of the very first release; defaults to 0.0.1.

For other options see Common custom options.

Common custom options

The projects inherit from regular projen components and thus share the same options. In addition there are several custom options defined in this repository. The table below lists the custom options along with their per-project availability.

Option apollo-server backend-test cdk nextjs playwright sst
hasDocker - - -
+ huskyRules
codeOwners -
hasRustTestWorkflow - - - - -
isGraphqlEnabled - - - -
+ telemetryOptions


Include docker-related files such as .dockerignore, Dockerfile; defaults to true.


Include husky for git hooks management, defaults to true (NOTE: projen sets up git as a final step of project bootstrapping and thus there is no way to run husky install within the process. Hence a user has to run it manually after the git repo is initialized.).


Comes with hasGitHooks and defines rules to include:

  • checkCargo creates a pre-commit hook that runs a check on Rust cargo (disabled by default);
  • commitMsg creates a commit-msg hook for a basic check of commit messages (defaults to true); can be set to an object with ignoreBranches property which specifies an array of branch names to be ignored while processing commit messages; bu default (with commitMsg: true option) the ignoreBranches is set to ['main', 'dev']; in order to perform the check on all branches set either commitMsg: {} or commitMsg: {ignoreBranches: []};
  • huskyCustomRules adds arbitrary commands to supported hooks (commit-msg and pre-commit); disabled by default.


If defined, lists file patterns and corresponding owners for it to include into CODEOWNERS file.


An array of paths for linting and formatting.


Include a default GitHub pull request template, defaults to true.


Include a default GitHub workflow for rust projects, defaults to false.


Sets up GraphQL dependencies and supplementary scripts, defaults to true.


Enables telemetry on the project.


With isTelemetryEnabled: true defines the following telemetry options:

  • reportTargetUrl - an endpoint URL for reporting; with the provided URL a script and a GitHub workflow are set up, which enables collection of some data about the project and sending it to the URL;
  • reportTargetAuthHeaderName - optionally defines Authorization header name for telemetry;
  • reportTargetAuthTokenVar - the name of env var to extract header value from; the value is expected to be stored in a CI secret.