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An IOS App that combines all of the social media profiles of every member in OfflineTV

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This project is a draft copy of the OfflineTV IOS app made by Saahil, Patrick, and Cheng. I will be documenting the frontend changes here to be implemented into the main project.

Change log

July 2nd:

Completed custom tab bar using @ObservedObject instead of @State. Custom tab bar uses an ObservableObject ViewRouter to keep track of change in tabs.

Changes to the code:


  • made a util file ImageModifiers and grouped all the @ViewModifier in here, added a modifier helper function to an extended Image
  • changed states from ints to enums, external state control uses @ObservedObject/@Published instead of @State
  • Instead of overlaying a button on icons, directly added a tap gesture to the image itself


  • added Identifiable protocol to Merch and StreamerMerch
July 3rd:

Set up a basic MVVM structure, separated the model logic in the MerchView into a separate files and made a View Model

Changes to the code


  • moved Merch, StreamerMerch struct to a new StreamerModel file, moved the name variable in StreamerMerch to a new Streamer protocol.
  • added a OTVSTreamer of Streamer protocol.


  • created a temporary model struct that stores an array of type T where T is a Streamer, currently the OTV streamers are of type OTVStreamer in case we want to implement other streamers in the future


  • this view model has a ObservableObject protocol so it can track changes to the model as its passed in the view.
  • should initialize the model here as OTVModel and prob api calls
  • model is @Published so view can be redrawn when tab changes or model changes
  • Intent functions should go here though it would probably be only getter methods for now
  • holds a copy of the Array from the model.


  • Custom tab bar and control flow for different tabbed views go here.
  • since @ViewBuilder can't have control flow for now, I have casted the views to AnyView
  • holds ObservedObject ViewRouter and ObservedObject OTVViewModel so view can be updated MerchView
  • holds an ObservedObject OTVViewModel since streamer data has been moved to the model.
July 4th

Made merch image frames scale to device size, created a basic Youtube page design layout and added a URLImageModel that loads images from URL.

Changes to the code


  • All ForEach functions now only take in an Identifiable since u can iterate over that
  • added GeometryReader to main body that passes a CGSize to MerchRowView and MerchItemView. Image and button frame size is now (width/2, height/3) and (width/2 * 1.25, height/3 * 1.25) respectively
  • an OTVStreamer is passed into MerchRowView instead of StreamerMerch as name variable was moved to a Streamer


  • Added parameter numberOfIcons so icon spacing matches number of icons on a tab bar


  • Draft concept of the youtube page will be a custom tab bar of latest videos, latest videos by streamer, and all videos of a selected streamer.
  • YoutubeView will have a control flow switching between the three pages and a YoutubeTabBar
  • Added a temporary title, YoutubeTabBar under, then a View according to which youtube tab.


  • Tab bar that switches between the three different YoutubeView pages


  • this is an ObservableObject that helps load images from URLs and stores it inside this model.
  • uses async main thread to load image


  • displays the image from the URLImageModel, default image when it has not loaded.
  • Takes in an URL string, width, and height of the image


  • created one of the pages of the youtube tab. Should show the top 10 latest youtube videos of all streamers
  • holds a OTVViewModel and uses a NavigationView body


  • added a new struct YoutubeVideo that holds all the basic information of a Youtube video, including channel name.
  • added an Array to OTVStreamer


  • updated past OTVStreamer objects to properly initialize with the new data struct
  • added an intent function getLatestVideos(numVid: Int) that takes in an Int and returns an Array of according count. The function temporary returns a hardcoded array but should filter and sort out a list of videos in the future. Not sure if the sorting process should happen in the model or view model.
July 6th

Fixed some tab bar layout bug as GeometryReader was causing views to fill whole container.

Changes to code


  • changed IconView to take in a width and height instead of a GeometryProxy
  • changed toIcon function to take in a width and height instead of a GeometryProxy
  • removed numberOfIcons
  • I changed the IconView to take in an individual width and height instead of a GeometryProxy because the proxy was taking in the size of the a tab bar so it doesn't make sense if IconView isn't used on a tab bar. NumberOfIcons variable is also removed for that reason.


  • removed GeometryReader and instead passed in a GeometryProxy from parent View so inner View does not become inflexible.
  • Moved frame from parent view to this view
  • Added a private function to create icon frames
  • Added a title to tab bar


  • removed GeometryReader and instead passed in a GeometryProxy from parent View so inner View does not become inflexible.
  • Moved frame from parent view to this view


  • added a bogus navigation title to hide navigation bar.


  • removed the title from the view and moved to Youtube tab bar
July 7th

Cleaned up some code, fixed the scaling for some text and added swift documentation.

Changes to code


  • added a helper function to help make the tab bar icons
  • put the calculated value icon width/height into variables
  • changed tappable images into buttons


  • added ViewModfiers to title, made font bold, color white, added padding, and scaled font size to GeometryProxy with a scale factor.
  • put the text modifiers into an extension
  • changed tappable images into buttons.
  • added a shadow below tab bar so the white bar below icon is more obvious


  • created a new extension to help with modifying fonts in the app


  • made the fonts scale to GeometryProxy and changed image width/height into variables
July 8th

Cleaned up the view for YoutubeStreamerView, abstracted the thumbnail+info view to be resuable in other youtube pages. Added in a custom font.

Changes to code



  • moved text ViewModifiers to an extension
  • scaled Texts font size with parent view container size
  • enforced a one line rule to youtube titles.


  • added a helper to extension to make a youtube title
  • added a helper to extension to make a youtube description


  • added the "Fonts provided by algorithmn" property for custom fonts
  • added KenyanCoffee.ttf for youtube logo font

Goals today

  • Use Saahil's YoutubeStreamerView for YoutubeHomeView
  • Change the home button
  • Make font size scale with device, currently text on IPad Pro is too small
  • Add a button overlay on Youtube tab bar icons so it covers whole tab
  • Try to abstract Youtube card view
  • Fix home layout its kinda wack and off =======

Front end for OfflineTV App

Things done: Custom Tab Bar

Things in progress: merch page, yt page

Things still left to do: twitch page, home page, twitter page pls (- patrick)



An IOS App that combines all of the social media profiles of every member in OfflineTV






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