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This is the main repository for AntID. A biometric recognition system to classify indivdual harvestor ants within a population. The purpose of this work to to create a system to help myrmecologist and biologists by automating the process of identifying ants within a colony. Currently, the legnthy and difficult process of painting ants with different patterns is the norm (

This repository currently consists of 2 packages, black_fly_tools and antID, and a separate python folder.

black_fly_tools offers code that can be used to easily interface with the Flir Blackfly camera through the Spinnaker SDK.

antID is the main package for performing individual recognition on the ants.

python contains all python code, including all machine learning scripts.

Experiment Setup

Below is a picture of the experiment setup. There are 4 main components to the setup. There are two living area for the ants - a main living area and a separate temporary living area. The main living area is where the ants live typically and the temporary living area is where the ants are placed after being maged. The temporary living area is connected to the main living area through the data collection area. The data collection area is where the camera is placed and where the ants are to walk beneath the camera to be recorded. The last component are the ant control gates. These gates are used to control the ants movement between the main living area, data collection area, and the temporary living area.

During data collection, one ant is allowed into the data collection area at a time. The ant is then recorded for a while before being let into the temporary living area. A new video is then started using the data_collection script in antID . This process is repeated until all ants have been recorded and labelled.


Usage Instructions

Note: You may have to adjust parameters on separate python scripts to match to ensure proper functionality

Data collection

  • The collect_data.cpp file contains the script used to collect data. Allow one ant at a time in the data collection area while the script is running. Once the ant has been filmed for a sufficient amount of time click the space bar to pause the recording. You may then allow the ant to move into alternative living space to be separated from the unlabelled ants. Next, allow a new ant into the data collection area and click n in terminal to start a new video. Videos will be saved in a folder, labelled_vids, located in the root directory of the repository. This script can be found in the antid folder

Creating the dataset

  • With labelled videos collected you may then run to perform the YOLO object detection and isolate frames where an ant is present. In the script you can alter parameters to choose where you want to save the images and if you want to detect ant bodies or heads.

  • Next, or can be used to format the labelled images into Pytorch usable datasets. The latter is used for the end to end CNN classifier.


  • Tools for training a model can be found in the files and the different networks I tried out are present in the file.

  • To train a triplet network or end to end classifier you can run the or files. The tunable parameters are present at the top of each file.


  • Testing tools are located in the file and to test a model you can run the script. You may have to adjust the parameters at the top of the script.


System Pipeline

The pipeline was structured as shown above. Videos would be processed using a YOLOV8 model trained to detect ants find video frames where an ant was present. With ant images aquired, two different images would be put into the same network, known as Siamese network, and two embeddings would be output. I then obtain the distance between embeddings by calculating norm of the difference and if that norm is above a certain threshold the two ants in the images are different and if it is below, they are the same.

The model itself is a convolutional neural network and it outputs a 128 element feature vector. To train it I used a loss function known as triplet loss. Training with triplet loss can be understood intuitively by giving the trainer 3 images at each training step, an anchor, a positive, and a negative. The anchor is an image of any ant, the positive is then a different picture of the same ant, and the negative is a picture of a different ant. During training, the model weights will be updated so that the distance between anchor and positive embeddings is smaller than the distance between anchor and negative embeddngs.

Mathematically this works because the distances between the anchor positive pair minus the anchor negative pair plus some margin must be less than zero. Because the difference between distances must be negative, the anchor negative distance must be larger than the anchor positive distance. The margin is then used to try and push the distances from the anchor to positive and negative embeddings further from each other.

Triplet Loss Function

Cost Function with Triplet Loss


The model was tested on two different test sets. One contained 2,357 different images of 45 ants that the model had seen in training and the other had 3,687 images of 10 unseen ants. On the dataset of previously seen ants, the model achieved a true positive rate of 95.21%, a true negative rate of 99.6% and an accuracy of 97.3%. On the dataset of unseen ants, the model achieved a true positive rate of 80.67%, a true negative rate of 93.68% and an accuracy of 86.04%. Accuracy here is defined as the number of true positives plus the number of true negative over the total number of predictions.

Using the model

To use the model, download the dataset and model weights from here. An example of using the model is present in the python folder under A typical pipeline consists of two main steps to utilize the model. For each frame you need to apply the YOLO detection model and see if there are ants in the frame. This can be done using the get_bbox() function and passing it the image and pretrained YOLO network. The YOLO model weights and the dataset it was trained on can be found here.

If an ant is detected, the AntPredictor class can be used to compare two images of ants and predict if they are the same or different.

Steps to using YOLO ant detector

  • Instantiate YOLO model yolo_model = YOLO(<path to trained weights>)
  • Pass model with image into get_bbox() bbox = get_bbox(frame, model = yolo_model)
  • This will return None if no ant is detected and the bounding box of the ant if one is detected

Steps to using AntPredictor

  • Instantiate class object predictor = AntPredictor(model, trained_model_path, device, threshold)
  • Test two images: predictor.predict(image1, image2)
  • Test two embeddings: predictor.predict_embedding(embd1, embd1)
  • Obtain one embedding: predictor.get_embedding(image)


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