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File metadata and controls

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C++ Examples

To facilitate working with the Ouster C++ SDK, we provide these examples of common operations. The examples explained below are compiled into executables which print to screen to demonstratre behavior. Build with BUILD_EXAMPLES and print to screen to demonstrate behavior.

Sensor Configuration

In this example we show various ways to work with the sensor configuration interface. The :cpp:type:`ouster::sensor::sensor_config` struct can be found defined in types.h. get_config and set_config are in client.h.

To run this example:

config_example $SENSOR_HOSTNAME

If there are no errors, you should see a printout in five parts.

Let's look at the first step, where we get the configuration of the sensor as it starts:

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/config_example.cpp
    :language: cpp
    :start-after: [doc-stag-cpp-get-config]
    :end-before: [doc-etag-cpp-get-config]

The function get_config takes a sensor_config so we must declare it first. It returns true if it succesfully retrieves the config, and false if an error occurs in connecting to the sensor and setting the config. The function set_config works similarly, returning true if it successfully sets the config, and false otherwise.

In the second step, we create a new config:

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/config_example.cpp
    :language: cpp
    :start-after: [doc-stag-cpp-make-config]
    :end-before: [doc-etag-cpp-make-config]

The sensor_config struct consists of several std::optional members, which can be set directly. Members which are not set will not set sensor configuration parameters when sent to the sensor. In addition, there are two config flags, for automatic udp destination setting and config persistence which can be set as above. The automatic udp destination flag cannot be set when config.udp_dest is set, as those conflict.

Working with LidarScans

The :cpp:class:`ouster::LidarScan` is explained in depth conceptually in the :ref:`LidarScan reference <lidar-scan>`. Here we cover some specifics that will be useful for C++ developers.

LidarScan constructors

Of foremost interest when using a :cpp:class:`LidarScan` is constructing a LidarScan which suits your needs.

The simplest (and most common) method is to construct one to contain all data coming from your sensor. You can do this by specifying the udp_proflie_lidar in your sensor_info, or by directly specifying the profile you care about.

For example, see the two snippets below:

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/lidar_scan_example.cpp
    :language: cpp
    :start-after: [doc-stag-lidarscan-profile-constructor]
    :end-before: [doc-etag-lidarscan-profile-constructor]

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/lidar_scan_example.cpp
    :language: cpp
    :start-after: [doc-stag-lidarscan-dual-profile-constructor]
    :end-before: [doc-etag-lidarscan-dual-profile-constructor]

But suppose you don't care about some of the data, such as the ambient and signal fields. You can also specify to your LidarScan to only batch the relevant fields like so:

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/lidar_scan_example.cpp
    :language: cpp
    :start-after: [doc-stag-lidarscan-reduced-slots]
    :end-before: [doc-etag-lidarscan-reduced-slots]

To see this in action, you can run the example executable lidar_scan_example:


The source code of lidar_scan_example is available here.

2D Representations and 3D representations

.. todo::
    better to store the 2D and 3D code here and reference it from the LidarScan reference and just
    cover it twice

The core destaggering and projection to 3D capabilities are demonstrated in the representations_example executable.

Here we will cover slightly more sophisticated ways of working with the data also demonstrated in that example.

To run this example:


The source code of representations_example is available on the github.

Reshaping XYZ to 2D

Users may find that they wish to access the x, y, and z coordinates of a single return in a similar way. As the conversiton to cartesian coordinates returns an Eigen::Array n x 3, with n = w * h, reshaping the resulting array is necessary.

We can combine our knowledge in projecting into cartesian coordinates and destaggering using the following function:

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/representations_example.cpp
    :language: cpp
    :start-after: [docs-stag-x-image-form]
    :end-before: [docs-etag-x-image-form]

This demonstrates the functionality with x, but it can be easily expanded to cover y and z as well.

Adjusting XYZLut With External Matrix

Users may find that they wish to apply an extra transform while projecting to cartesian coordinates. Such a transform, likely an extrinsics matrix of some sort, can be baked into the :cpp:struct:`ouster::XYZLut` created with :cpp:func:`ouster::make_xyz_lut`.

In the following code, transformation represents the extrinsincs transform:

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/representations_example.cpp
    :language: cpp
    :start-after: [doc-stag-extrinsics-to-xyzlut]
    :end-before: [doc-etag-extrinsics-to-xyzlut]

Reading Scans From An OSF File

The OSF file is a common format used to store Ouster sensor data. It can be useful to read the file outside of the ouster-cli utility in order to perform more advanced processing.

Below you can see an example which reads each scan in an OSF and prints them to stdout:

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/osf_reader_example.cpp
    :language: cpp
    :start-after: [doc-stag-osf-read-cpp]
    :end-before: [doc-etag-osf-read-cpp]

Writing Scans To An OSF File

An API for writing to the OSF file format is also exposed. This is most often used for writing scans and metadata, possibly with a reduced number of fields in order to save data.

Below you can see an example which creates a scan and writes it to an OSF File using the Writer API:

.. literalinclude:: /../examples/osf_writer_example.cpp
    :language: cpp
    :start-after: [doc-stag-osf-write-cpp]
    :end-before: [doc-etag-osf-write-cpp]