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An application that simplifies writing RabbitMQ producers and consumers.

Typically, a client workflow is as follows:

  • Establish a connection to a broker
  • Create a new channel within the open connection
  • Execute AMQP commands with a channel such as sending and receiving messages, creating exchanges and queue or defining routing rules between exchanges and queues
  • When no longer required, close the channel and the connection

Vent encapsulates this workflow and delegates the consumer specific-logic to a custom handler behaviour.


RabbitMQ configuration:

{host, "localhost"},                                # defaults to 'localhost'
{port, 5672},                                       # defaults to 5672
{username, "user"},                                 # optional
{password, "pass"},                                 # optional
{virtual_host, <<"prod">>},                         # required
{publish_exchange, <<"publish_exchange">>}          # required


The serialization format is assumed to be JSON.

To publish a message:

vent_publisher:publish(Exchange, Topic, Payload, Opts).

Opts is a proplist that currently consists of the following options:

{durable, boolean()}                                # exchange is durable or transient

Publisher configuration:

{publish_chunk_size, 20}                            # defaults to 20


A subscriber handler should be created for every subscription. The behaviour consists of the following callbacks:

callback init() ->
   {ok, state()}.
callback handle(term(), state()) ->
   {ok, state()} |
   {requeue, term(), state()} |
   {requeue, number(), term(), state()} |
   {drop, term(), state()}.
callback terminate(state()) ->

An inert vent_debug_handler is already provided that will log every message that it consumes.

Every subscription should be configured together with its handler:

{name, "subscription_name"},                        # required, unique
{n_workers, 1},                                     # defaults to 1
{n_overflow, 1},                                    # defaults to 1
{prefetch_count, 2},                                # defaults to 2
{exchange, <<"exchange">>},                         # required
{dead_letter_exchange, <<"dl_exchange">>},          # required
{error_exchange, <<"errors">>},                     # required
{error_routing_key, <<"error_routing_key">>},       # required
{queue, <<"vent:queue">>},                          # required
{message_ttl, 300000},                              # defaults to infinite
{handler, vent_debug_handler}]                      # defaults to vent_debug_handler

Note that more than one subscriber may be registered.

     [{vent_subscriber, ...config for 1st subscriber},
      {vent_subscriber, ...config for 2nd subscriber}]}

Each subscription is supervised by a pool supervisor. This pool supervisor starts a Poolboy pool of workers, and a subscriber supervisor. The subscribers delegate the handling of a message to a handler worker, that they obtain from a worker pool. This separation between subscriber and worker protects the subscription against failures in handler modules, to prevent expensive restarts.


$ rebar3 compile

In order to run tests...{to do}


$ rebar3 release