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Analysis of cloud costs for 3DS Outscale

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osc-cost allows Outscale users to estimate their cloud costs.


This program only provides a cost estimation of the current account state. Only official bills provided by Outscale will represent your consumption. Read license for more details.


  • Data sources:
  • Supported resources:
    • Virtual Machines (tina types, aws-compatible types, licenses)
    • Volumes
    • Public Ips
    • Snapshots (🚨 Warning: snapshot computation is currently known to be over-priced.)
    • Dedicated Vm
    • Load Balancers
    • Flexible GPU
    • VPN Connections
    • Outscale Object Storage (🚨 Warning: Oos computation can take a long time, use --skip-resource Oos to disable this computation.)
    • Nat Services
  • Output formats:
    • Current cost per hour
    • Current cost per month
    • Current cost per year
    • Json (line-delimited JSON document)
    • Human
    • Open Document Spreadsheet (Ods)
    • Prometheus


Go to release and download latest binary.


You will need .osc/config.json file in you home folder. osc-cost takes default profile if not specified. Example of config.json:

  "default": {
    "access_key": "YoUrAcCeSsKeY",
    "secret_key": "YoUrSeCrEtKeY",
    "region": "eu-west-2"


Here are few examples with different output formats. Note that json format will provide the most detailed output.

osc-cost --format=human # default
│ Account Id            ┆ 620346218618 │
│ Total price per hour  ┆ 2.2062643€   │
│ Total price per month ┆ 1610.5729€   │
│ Total price per year  ┆ 19326.875€   │

│ Resource Type ┆ Count ┆ Total price per hour ┆ Total price per month ┆ Total price per year │
│ Snapshot      ┆ 23    ┆ 0.03164384€          ┆ 23.1€                 ┆ 277.2€               │
│ Vm            ┆ 9     ┆ 1.7939999€           ┆ 1309.6199€            ┆ 15715.438€           │
│ LoadBalancer  ┆ 2     ┆ 0.06€                ┆ 43.8€                 ┆ 525.6€               │
│ NatServices   ┆ 2     ┆ 0.1€                 ┆ 73€                   ┆ 876€                 │
│ Volume        ┆ 12    ┆ 0.20554796€          ┆ 150.04999€            ┆ 1800.5999€           │
│ PublicIp      ┆ 7     ┆ 0.015€               ┆ 10.95€                ┆ 131.4€               │
│ Oos           ┆ 5     ┆ 0.00007237231€       ┆ 0.05283179€           ┆ 0.63398147€          │
osc-cost --format=hour
osc-cost --format=month
osc-cost --format=json

NOTE: The next feature is still in beta

The tools can also be used to see the drift between osc-cost estimation and what have been actually recorded. Here are the steps to do that:

  • store the output of osc-cost in a json
    osc-cost --format json --output account.json
  • freeze the account during one day
  • the next day
      osc-cost --compute-drift --from-date "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d" --date='-1day') --to-date $(date "+%Y-%m-%d") --input account.json

In order to have default values in prometheus format please use:

osc-cost -n --format=prometheus

You will have the details of the drift.

│ Resource Type ┆ Osc-cost ┆ Digest ┆ Drift │
│ Volume        ┆ 1.18     ┆ 1.18   ┆ 0%    │
│ Oos           ┆ 0.01     ┆ 0.01   ┆ -5%   │
│ Snapshot      ┆ 1.25     ┆ 0.62   ┆ 101%  │
│ Vm            ┆ 34.01    ┆ 34.01  ┆ 0%    │


Check contributing documentation.


  1. Update chart version (if necessary) in helm/osccost/Chart.yaml and osc-cost version in helm/osccost/values.yaml

  2. Tag the release

git tag -a vX.X.X -m "vX.X.X"
  1. Make the release on Github

Osc-cost prometheus exporter output

But what is prometheus (Prometheus)

We create a prometheus exporter (Prometheus-Exporter)

To have something simple to manipulate we create a serde for prometheus. (Serde)

How to deploy

You can deploy with helm chart (osc-cost)

You can also deploy with docker-compose (docker-compose)


You need to have a config file.

Test with an account with several cloud object.

For prometheus, you can use docker-compose file in the projet to test with prometheus.

Or you can test with k8s cluster.

To test with k8s cluster, you can use kind but for me i create a cluster with one worker and one master using this project (osc-k8s-rke-cluster)

A account on outscale on eu-west-2/cloud-gouv or us-east-2. If you want on another region, please create omi on those region.


Copyright Outscale SAS


This project is compliant with REUSE.