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Outscale SDK for C

Welcome to Outscale SDK for C.


json-c and libcurl (7.75 and after)

How to use the SDK?

Simply grab the C source and add it to your project, you need to include json-c and curl (version > 7.75) to your code.

See examples folder to jump straight into the code! Here's an explication of the Makefile rule compiling example 1:

${CC} examples/example1.c ./osc_sdk.c -I./ `pkg-config --cflags json-c` -lcurl -ljson-c -o example1 -Wall -Wno-unused-function -g
  • -I specify include path (where to find osc_sdk.h). If osc_sdk.h was in the same directory than example0.c it wouldn't be needed.
  • -lcurl -ljson-c specify curl and json-c libraries.
  • -Wno-unused-function because osc-sdk.c is compiled with the example, and not all functions are used
  • pkg-config --cflags json-c to find json-c cflags
  • -Wall for more warning
  • -g for debug symbole

example0.c is similar, but use an archive, so it can compile in ansi C (-std=c89)


You need libcurl to a version superior to 7.75 (again it's important).

json-c have deprecated ANSI C in favor to C99 and C11, if you want to continue using C89 you might stick to current or old versions.

Interface is not stable yet, please be aware that some breaking change can still exist until 1.x.

SDK itself is generated from Outscale's COGNAC using osc-api description.


Check contributing documentation.


Copyright Outscale SAS


This project is compliant with REUSE.