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This is a fork of the official repository rollup-plugin-minify-html-literals because the Rollup dependency version remains at v2, so this repository serves as a temporary fix.

Once the official repository is upgraded to v3, this repository will be archived.

Upgraded to Rollup v4, only need to synchronize types, no code changes.


npm i rollup-plugin-minify-html-literals-v3 -D



import minifyLiterals from 'rollup-plugin-minify-html-literals-v3';

export default {
  plugins: [minifyLiterals()],


  // minimatch of files to minify
  include: [],
  // minimatch of files not to minify
  exclude: [],
  // set to `true` to abort bundling on a minification error
  failOnError: false,
  // minify-html-literals options
  options: null,
  // Advanced Options
  // Override minify-html-literals function
  minifyHTMLLiterals: null,
  // Override rollup-pluginutils filter from include/exclude
  filter: null


Property Type Default Description
fileName string Required. The name of the file, used for syntax parsing and source maps.
minifyOptions? html-minifier options defaultMinifyOptions Defaults to production-ready minification.
minifyOptions?.minifyCSS? clean-css options defaultMinifyCSSOptions Uses clean-css defaults.
shouldMinify? function defaultShouldMinify A function that determines whether or not an HTML template should be minified. Defaults to minify all tagged templates whose tag name contains "html" (case insensitive).
shouldMinifyCSS? function defaultShouldMinifyCSS A function that determines whether or not a CSS template should be minified. Defaults to minify all tagged templates whose tag name contains "css" (case insensitive).

Advanced Options

For more detailed configuration, go to minify-html-literals.