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HumanCare Hub


This repository contains the code for a website named HumanCare Hub. The website explores the mystical connection between cats and humans, delving into the possibility of humans perceiving the auras of their feline companions. The project showcases the use of grids, semantic HTML tags, mobile responsiveness, and subtle animations.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS


Grid Layout

The website utilizes a grid layout to structure its main content and related articles sections. This grid system helps in creating a visually appealing and organized layout for different screen sizes.

Semantic HTML Tags

Semantic HTML tags have been used to enhance the readability and structure of the content. Tags such as <header>, <main>, <section>, <footer> and others are employed to provide meaningful structure to the document.

Mobile Responsivity

The website is designed to be responsive, ensuring a seamless user experience across various devices. Media queries are used to adjust the layout and styling for smaller screens, optimizing the content for mobile devices.


Subtle animations are incorporated to enhance the user interface. Hover effects on buttons and cards create a visually engaging experience for the audience.


Simply click the github pages link right up there on the about section!

Thank you for visiting HumanCare Hub! 🐾