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A Kubernetes Controller for using Credstash Secrets in Kubernetes


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credstash-operator is a Kubernetes operator that creates Kubernetes secrets from credstash secrets.

This controller will go and fetch credstash keys as specified in the CRD spec and then go and manage a Kubernetes Secret that contains their values.

  • The controller will use the name and the latest versionof the credstash key by default in the underlying managed Secret unless specified otherwise in the CredstashSecret CRD.
  • The controller can use one or more Credstash Secrets in the same CRD allowing you to have a Kubernetes Secret from multiple Credstash Secrets.
  • If a CredstashSecret CRD gets updated, the controller will update the underlying managed Secret.
  • If a CredstashSecret CRd gets deleted, the controller will delete the underlying managed Secret.

Using the operator

Once configured submitting a CredstashSecret custom resource like below will create a secret from the credstash keys specified

kind: CredstashSecret
  name: very-secret
  namespace: test
  # Name of the target secret (Optional. Defaults to the CR name)
  name: example
  # List of secrets from credstash to add to the body of the secret 
      # key: the key in credstash to fetch. (Required)
    - key: test-secret
      # name: the name of the resulting data element in the k8s secret (Optional. Defaults to the credstash key)
      name: renamed-test-secret
      # table: the dynamoDB table that contains the credstash secrets (Optional. Defaults to credential-store)
      table: credential-store
      # version: the version of the secret in credstash for the provided key (Optional. Defaults to the latest version)
      version: 1
      # context: key value pairs to the encryption context (Optional)
        key1: value1
        key2: value2
  # type: the type of the resulting kubernetes secret (Optional. Defaults to Opaque)
  type: Opaque

To see the credstash secrets in the cluster, just run: kubectl get credstashsecrets --all-namespaces and you will get a list of the credstash secrets and the kubernetes secret being managed

NAMESPACE        NAME                                           SECRET
cert-manager     clouddns-dns01-solver-svc-acct                 clouddns-dns01-solver-svc-acct
oauth-proxy      github-oauth-secret                            github-oauth-secret
prow-test-pods   aws-ouzi-creds                                 aws-ouzi-creds
prow-test-pods   gcs-credentials                                gcs-credentials
prow-test-pods   github-ssh-key                                 github-ssh-key
prow-test-pods   github-token                                   github-token
prow-test-pods   ouzi-bot-dockerconfig                          ouzi-bot-dockerconfig
prow-test-pods   ouzidev-cannon-prow-gcloud-service-account     ouzidev-cannon-prow-gcloud-service-account
prow-test-pods   ouzidev-cannon-prow-gke-kubeconfig             ouzidev-cannon-prow-gke-kubeconfig
prow-test-pods   terraform-ouzidev-aws-service-account          terraform-ouzidev-aws-service-account
prow             github-ssh-key                                 github-ssh-key
prow             github-token                                   github-token
prow             oauth-config                                   oauth-config
prow             prow-bucket-gcs-credentials                    prow-bucket-gcs-credentials-2
prow             slack-token                                    slack-token  

Custom secret types

If you want to create a secret that is not of type Opaque, provide a different secret type in .spec.type For example a dockerconfigjson secret would look as follows:

kind: CredstashSecret
  name: dockerconfigjson
  namespace: test
  # Name of the target secret (Optional. Defaults to the CR name)
  name: dockerconfigjson
  # List of secrets from credstash to add to the body of the secret 
      # key: the key in credstash to fetch. (Required)
    - key: docker_secret
      # name: the name of the resulting data element in the k8s secret (Optional. Defaults to the credstash key)
      name: .dockerconfigjson
      # table: the dynamoDB table that contains the credstash secrets (Optional. Defaults to credential-store)
      table: credential-store
      # context: key value pairs to the encryption context (Optional)
        key1: value1
        key2: value2
  # type: the type of the resulting kubernetes secret (Optional. Defaults to Opaque)



The controller requires AWS credentials to be set before deploying it. This is accomplished by creating a secret with name aws-credentials in the controller namespace with the following keys:


For example running the following will create an appropriate secret in the credstash namespace:

kubectl create secret generic aws-credentials --from-literal=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=access_key --from-literal=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret_access_key --from-literal=AWS_REGION=us-west-2 --namespace=credstash

The IAM policy required that will enable the operator to work is:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "${kms_key_arn}"
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "${dynamodb_table_arn}"


  • kms_key_arn is the KMS Key ARN used for credstash
  • dynamodb_table_arn is the DynamoDb table ARN that the secrets are stored in

Deploy the operator

Deploy the operator dependencies:

kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/credstash.ouzi.tech_credstashsecrets_crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/service_account.yaml -n credstash
kubectl apply -f deploy/role.yaml -n credstash
kubectl apply -f deploy/role_binding.yaml -n credstash

Deploy the operator:

kubectl apply -f deploy/deployment.yaml -n credstash

Deploying via helm chart

Without existing credentials secret

helm upgrade --install credstash${VERSION}/credstash-operator-${VERSION}.tgz \
    -n credstash \
    --set awsCredentials.create=true \
    --set awsCredentials.awsAccessKeyId=access_key \
    --set awsCredentials.awsSecretAccessKey=secret_access_key \
    --set awsCredentials.awsRegion=region

Where ${VERSION} is the version you want to install

With existing credentials secret

helm upgrade --install credstash${VERSION}/credstash-operator-${VERSION}.tgz \
    -n credstash \
    --set awsCredentials.secretName=aws-credentials

Where ${VERSION} is the version you want to install

Using the Ouzi helm repo

helm repo add ouzi
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install credstash ouzi/credstash-operator \
    --version ${VERSION}
    -n credstash \
    --set awsCredentials.secretName=aws-credentials


The operator can monitor CRDs that have:

  • a specific label with operatorInstance=SOMETHING
  • are within a specific namespace

This allows you to have multiple instances of the operator running even within the same namespace.

A use case for that is that you wish to fetch secrets from different AWS Accounts within a specific namespace.

To do that, set the operatorInstance and namespaceToWatch fields in helm. The operator will only watch CredstashSecrets that have labels with operatorInstance=SOMETHING and are in the specific namespace specified.

Note that if you deploy the operator without either operatorInstance or namespaceToWatch then it will process all CRDs.