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Fixes #2942 (#2947)
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Co-authored-by: Jarred Sumner <>
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Jarred-Sumner and Jarred-Sumner committed May 18, 2023
1 parent 228ca32 commit 755c0d6
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Showing 2 changed files with 154 additions and 1 deletion.
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion src/bundler/bundle_v2.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7397,7 +7397,20 @@ const LinkerContext = struct {
var clone = std.ArrayList(G.Decl).initCapacity(allocator, before.decls.len + after.decls.len) catch unreachable;
// we must clone instead of overwrite in-place incase the same S.Local is used across threads
stmts.items[end - 1] = Stmt.allocate(
.decls = BabyList(G.Decl).fromList(clone),
.is_export = before.is_export,
.was_commonjs_export = before.was_commonjs_export,
.was_ts_import_equals = before.was_ts_import_equals,
.kind = before.kind,
stmts.items[end - 1].loc,
Expand Down
140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions test/bundler/bundler_regressions.test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
import assert from "assert";
import dedent from "dedent";
import { itBundled, testForFile } from "./expectBundled";
var { describe, test, expect } = testForFile(import.meta.path);

describe("bundler", () => {
itBundled("regression/MergeAdjacentDecl#2942", {
files: {
"/shared.js": `
// Current version.
export var VERSION = '1.13.6';
// Establish the root object, \`window\` (\`self\`) in the browser, \`global\`
// on the server, or \`this\` in some virtual machines. We use \`self\`
// instead of \`window\` for \`WebWorker\` support.
export var root = (typeof self == 'object' && self.self === self && self) ||
(typeof global == 'object' && === global && global) ||
Function('return this')() ||
// Save bytes in the minified (but not gzipped) version:
export var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype;
export var SymbolProto = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' ? Symbol.prototype : null;
// Create quick reference variables for speed access to core prototypes.
export var push = ArrayProto.push,
slice = ArrayProto.slice,
toString = ObjProto.toString,
hasOwnProperty = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty;
// Modern feature detection.
export var supportsArrayBuffer = typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined',
supportsDataView = typeof DataView !== 'undefined';
// All **ECMAScript 5+** native function implementations that we hope to use
// are declared here.
export var nativeIsArray = Array.isArray,
nativeKeys = Object.keys,
nativeCreate = Object.create,
nativeIsView = supportsArrayBuffer && ArrayBuffer.isView;
// Create references to these builtin functions because we override them.
export var _isNaN = isNaN,
_isFinite = isFinite;
// Keys in IE < 9 that won't be iterated by \`for key in ...\` and thus missed.
export var hasEnumBug = !{toString: null}.propertyIsEnumerable('toString');
export var nonEnumerableProps = ['valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf', 'toString',
'propertyIsEnumerable', 'hasOwnProperty', 'toLocaleString'];
// The largest integer that can be represented exactly.
export var MAX_ARRAY_INDEX = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
// This was a race condition, so we want to add a lot of files to maximize the chances of hitting it
"/a.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js';; console.log(ABC);",
"/b.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/c.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js';; console.log(ABC);",
"/d.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/e.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/g.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/h.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/i.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/j.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/k.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/l.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/m.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/n.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/a_1.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js';; console.log(ABC);",
"/a_2.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/a_3.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js';; console.log(ABC);",
"/a_4.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/a_5.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/a_6.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/a_7.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/a_8.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/a_9.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/a_10.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/a_11.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/a_12.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/a_13.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/b_1.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js';; console.log(ABC);",
"/b_2.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/b_3.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js';; console.log(ABC);",
"/b_4.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/b_5.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/b_6.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/b_7.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/b_8.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/b_9.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/b_10.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/b_11.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/b_12.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
"/b_13.js": "import * as ABC from './shared.js'; console.log(ABC);",
minifySyntax: true,

entryPoints: [

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