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Lukasz Taczuk edited this page Jan 10, 2018 · 1 revision


Will there be a Linux version of Pythia?

I'd love to! However, due to the lack of time and other commitments, I simply cannot implement it myself.

I'll gladly accept any Pull Requests that allow Pythia to run on Linux, though, and I offer my help with compiling a list of things that need to be changed and can support anyone willing to get their hands dirty.

What version of Python do I have to install?

None! :)

With the latest additions to the codebase, Pythia works out of the box and contains embedded Python 3.5 interpreters for both 32bit and 64bit versions. Just add -mod=@Pythia and you're all set!


What types of arguments can be passed to and from Python?

Python functions will accept any types of SQF variables that can be represented as Python objects.

Currently, those are:

  • Strings
  • Numbers
  • Arrays
  • Booleans

Nil is currently not supported on purpose because in 99% of cases passing a nil will be a result of an error on the part of the developer. If you have a good reason to allow nil to be used as an argument, feel free to contact me.

Passing other values, like player will not work because there is no way to represent those values as Python objects and to interact with them. You will have to convert them to some other type before passing them to python functions.

The values that can be passed back to SQF are roughly the same with the addition of None that will be converted to SQF nil.