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Audio taunts

Ronald M. Clifford edited this page Apr 11, 2023 · 1 revision

Enables the user to play 6 self chosen audio snippets on demand.

The way it works is that on startup Olmod loads all taunts that are in this folder: Windows: C:\Users\<User>\AppData\LocalLow\Revival\Overload\AudioTaunts Linux: Home/<User>/.config/unity3d/Revival/Overload/AudioTaunts Mac: Users/<User>/Library/Application Support/Revival/Overload/AudioTaunts and lets the player select 6. On entering a game the hashes of these 6 taunts get shared with the server who then distributes all the hashes that are in use in the current match among clients and handles the sharing of the actual audio taunt data.

Requirements for a taunt to be loaded:

  1. available in the format .ogg (Vorbis)
  2. less than 128kB big

A new Menu has been added under Options/Multiplayer Options/Audio Taunts Screen01

  • The player can select 6 audio taunts and 6 keybinds to fill the slots.
  • The player can disable the Audio taunt code entirely to the point where the server wont sent any audio taunt related messages to this client by pressing the top right button.
  • A new slider has been added to the sound menu to control the volume of the played audiotaunts.

Once the player enters a match or pre match lobby his the hashes of his taunts get shared with other players and he can not change his taunt selection for the remainder of the match

If client A hasnt encountered the taunts from Client B before he will request the taunt from the Server and the Server will relay the request to Client B who then starts uploading the taunt to the server who further distributes this taunt to Client A and other Clients who might request this. Back on client A the taunt will get stripped of its filename and saved to Revival\Overload\AudioTaunts\external so that A wont have to download the taunt in the future.


How to play your own audio taunts in Overload:

  1. navigate into your Pilot folder (C:\Users\<User>\AppData\LocalLow\Revival\Overload)
  2. create a sub folder called 'AudioTaunts' if it doesnt exist yet
  3. put the audio snippets into that sub folder. Make sure that they are in the .ogg vorbis format and less than 128kB big (and at most up to 3 seconds long)
  4. start olmod and go into Options/Multiplayer Options/Audiotaunts/
  5. choose your taunts and bind the keys to trigger them
  6. adjust the volume of the taunts in the sound menu

Most of the Descent 3 taunts have been converted to be usable in Overload and can be downloaded here:

If you want to convert a Descent 3 taunt yourself you can use ffmpeg:

  1. get ffmpeg (
  2. move the ffmpeg.exe into the folder where your descent 3 taunt is located
  3. open a command prompt and change into that folder
  4. ffmpeg -t 3 -i input.osf -c:a libvorbis -q:a 4 output.ogg
  5. replace input.osf and output.ogg with your filename and desired output
  6. execute the command and ignore the errors