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Development environment

Casper Thule edited this page Sep 17, 2020 · 5 revisions

Development environment prerequisites

  • a C/C++ compiler to compile the code generated by the tests.
  • cmake and make is needed in order to run the tests.
  • valgrind is needed to run memory management tests that check for memory leaks.

Compiler tool dependencies

Install glib

  • ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libglib2.0
  • OSX
brew install glib

Install gettext

gettext is not present on OSX so install it with

brew install gettext
brew link --force gettext

Using Eclipse

Please install: CDT + C/C++ Unit Testing Support

Other packages

  • ubuntu
sudo apt-get install cmake make gcc g++


The generated code is tested using googletest, which is available via a git submodule. This submodule must be initialised after a successful checkout:

  1. git submodule update --init
  2. Enter the directory c
  3. Either:
  • for release cmake .
  • for debug
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .
  1. To build it: make


The translation is developed in two parts:

  1. A C library, stored in <root>/c/vdmclib, containing:
  • Library support for all operations that can be carried our on numbers, sets, seqs, maps etc.
  • Library support providing a number of macros to ease class encoding
  1. A translation of VDM into C using this library

Import the entire runtime in Eclipse

  1. execute cmake in the root (and make sure you have initialised the googletest submodule)
  2. Create a new C++-project in Eclipse based on a standard makefile project using your avaliable tool chain.
  • Name the project with the name of the cmake project you want to import
  • Select source location to be the location of the cmake project
  1. Build the project to see if Eclipse picks up the imports
  • If it do not pickup the includes then use the fix below

Update CDT GCC Build Output Parser to work with CMake on OSX

  1. Goto Project Properties -> C/C++ General -> Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros etc.
  2. Enable CDT GCC Build Output Parser
  3. Change the Compiler Command Pattern to (.*gcc)|(.*[gc]\+\+)|(.*cc)|(clang)


Running tests

  • To run the tests one must pass the location of the VDM library as a property -DVDM_LIB_PATH="/path/to/vdm2c-exploration/c-examples/lib"
  • Pass the -DTEST_OUTPUT property to get the googletest output

Test the runtime library

All the code used to test the runtime library is stored in <root>/c/vdmclib/src/tests and written using the googletest framework. The tests are run automatically as part of the Maven build, but may also be executed manually using the steps below:

## Go into runtime library folder
cd <root>/c
## Generate the make file
cmake .
## Build the google test binary
make -j<no-of-cpu-cores-plus-one>
## Go to the folder that contains the tests
cd vdmclib/
## Run the generated google tests 
make test

The test report is available in report.xml


Using googletest

Name mangling

Eclipse editor for velocity

  • Remember to install Eclipse 2.0 Style Plugin Support before trying to install the editor *

Translation Notes

If one wants to use the C code from C++ it can be included as shown below:

extern "C"
#include "lib/TypedValue.h"
#include "lib/VdmBasicTypes.h"


  • never use any C++ keywords in C. It leads to trouble later...

Transformation Rules

All nodes that is shared between VDM and C must have a C plain C template. This means it cannot use the VDM library for code generation.

Implementing classes

C/C++ language related stuff

C Macro

Compiler -- platform dependent stuff

Remember that:

  • malloc leaves the memory uninitialised
  • calloc zero-initializes the buffer (which takes more time)

This is important since free only frees the memory if ptr != NULL

Other debugging related stuff

Core dump in terminal only

Enable the core to be dumped by:

ulimit -c unlimited

On Linux the core is dumped in the application folder, while OSX uses /cores/

Build vdm2c as standalone app

cd <root-of-vdm2c-repository>/core/vdm2c/
mvn install -DskipTests assembly:single

The standalone vdm2c application is located into <root-of-vdm2c-repository>/core/vdm2c/target named as vdm2c-<version>-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar. To execute the CG run the following command:

java -jar vdm2c-<version>-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar input_file.vdmrt -dest out_dir/