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AVL based Elm Dict and Set

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An implementation of easy to understand AVL algorithm. The basic idea is to keep both sub-trees of a node almost the same height. Almost means that heights difference must be not more that 1. As soon as this rule is violated rebalancing happens. It provides more strictly balance than red-black-tree implementation.

elm install owanturist/elm-avl-dict


import AVL.Dict as Dict exposing (Dict)
import AVL.Set as Set exposing (Set)

type ID
    = ID Int

compareID : ID -> ID -> Order
compareID (ID x) (ID y) =
    compare x y

type alias User =
    { id : ID
    , name : String
    , age : Int
    , height : Float

users : Dict ID User
users =
    Dict.fromListWith compareID
        [ ( ID 0, { id = ID 0, name = "Alice", age = 28, height = 1.65 } )
        , ( ID 1, { id = ID 1, name = "Bob", age = 19, height = 1.82 } )
        , ( ID 2, { id = ID 2, name = "Chuck", age = 33, height = 1.75 } )

Dict.get (ID 0) users
--> Just { id = ID 0, name = "Alice", age = 28, height = 1.65 }

userIDs : Set ID
userIDs =
    Set.fromListWith compareID [ ID 0, ID 1, ID 2 ]

Set.member (ID 3) userIDs --> False


Time complexity of basic operations is the same (O(log n)) as in Core.Dict except constant time O(1) for AVL.Dict.size operation. It is achieved by tracking the size of a tree in the single place so it spends constant additional space as well.


AVL Tree Elm implementation







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