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Multi server Experimental

Henry Tr. edited this page Oct 9, 2015 · 4 revisions


This branch is experimental for multiple server support.

What changed from master branch?

  • Increase inactive timeout from 5000 milisecond to ... i don't remember, just make it as large as possible :trollface:
  • Add gateway.js and npm run cluster command to start server as a cluster
  • Add redis for sharing data between servers

How is the servers look like?

We're running the cluster with 4 instances of Agar.IO Server and 1 Redis server for transferring messages between instances.

The communication between instances now using Redis's Publish and Subscribe

|                       REDIS                        |
||                ||                ||              ||
||                ||                ||              ||
||                ||                ||              ||     
Server #1       Server #2        Server #3       Server #4

By doing this, we can run multiple servers from multiple location but still able to share the data (foods, players, chat messages,...) between them.

How to use it?

Step 1: Run the environment

  • Install and run Redis with redis-server command

Step 2: Run the server cluster

  • Checkout the multi-server branch
  • Run the server cluster with: npm run cluster

The cluster will start up with 4 server running on http://localhost:3000, http://localhost:3001, http://localhost:3002, and http://localhost:3003

Step 3: Test multi server function

  • Go to server #1: http://localhost:3000, login with any name you want
  • Go to server #2: http://localhost:3001, login with any name you want
  • In any client, leave some chat message
  • Go to another client to see the message displayed!