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Conway's Game of Life

This is a ClojureScript implementation of Conway's Game of Life.

Running it

  1. Make sure you have Leiningen 2.x installed.

  2. Compile the ClojureScript code to Javascript:

     $ lein cljsbuild once dev
  3. Open index.html in your browser.


It's convenient with auto-compilation when developing. In another tab/window, do this:

$ lein cljsbuild auto dev

Whenever you save the ClojureScript file, it will be compiled. Since the JVM running the compilation is already started, subsequent compilations will be fast:

$ lein cljsbuild auto
Compiling ClojureScript.
Compiling "gameoflife.js" from ["src"]...
Successfully compiled "gameoflife.js" in 7.656883 seconds.
Compiling "gameoflife.js" from ["src"]...
Successfully compiled "gameoflife.js" in 0.291744 seconds.


There are two build profiles: dev and prod. The prod profile uses advanced optimization. It takes into account all the source files and any libraries used, and performs not only aggressive minification, but it also uses highly sophisticated techniques for identifying and eliminating dead code (i.e. code that is never called nor reachable). Using the prod profile squeezes down this project to a single file of around 20K zipped Javascript, all included.

The prod profile is used by:

  1. Compile with the prod profile (or none, which will compile all profiles):

     $ lein cljsbuild once prod
     $ lein cljsbuild once
  2. Comment out the script lines in index.html used for the dev profile:

     <!-- for production code, comment out these lines -->
     <script src="out/goog/base.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     <script src="gameoflife-debug.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">goog.require("gameoflife.core");</script>
  3. Uncomment the single script line in index.html needed for production:

     <!-- this is the only script line needed for production
     <script src="gameoflife.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

The only deliverables when using the prod profile are:

  • index.html
  • main.css
  • gameoflife.js


Conway's Game Of Life, written in ClojureScript.






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