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VicDeo edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 4 revisions

Tips and Tricks

All versions

Q: Please advice. I see

Make sure that your web server has write access to the following files and directories:

A. That means that the files from this list can not be changed by PHP. Change the owner for all files from this list to www-data or user that is used to run your web server.

ownCloud 8.x

A blank page after migration from 7.0.x means that you have some apps from previous installation that are not compatible with OC8. Start with moving contacts and calendar app outside of your apps directory

ownCloud 7.x

Q: Yellow baloon is not shown at the top and Updater always says 'Up to date'
A. ownCloud 7.x requires allow_url_fopen = On in php.ini

Q: What if I can't change this option but have cURL in place?
A. Patch core by replacing these lines with
$xml = \OC_Util ::getUrlContent($url);
than wait for about 30 minutes until the cache is invalidated.

onwCloud versions 7.0 - 7.0.2 it is highly recommended to replace a shipped Updater with the latest stable7 as this version is more timeout-proof.

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