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linter: rule fixer improvements #4179

2 tasks
DonIsaac opened this issue Jul 11, 2024 · 0 comments
2 tasks

linter: rule fixer improvements #4179

DonIsaac opened this issue Jul 11, 2024 · 0 comments
A-linter Area - Linter C-enhancement Category - New feature or request good first issue Experience Level - Good for newcomers


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DonIsaac commented Jul 11, 2024

I've been adding and repairing fixers to a lot of rules, but my ad-hoc approach
is not sustainable. This issue is a call for assistance, and tracks fixer
progress for each rule.



For rules with an existing fixer:

  • If the rule has a fixer (using diagnostic_with_fix), ensure that there are
    no cases where the fixer could create a syntax error or semantically different
  • If the fix could be correct in some cases, but could produce semantically
    differently different code in others, use diagnostic_with_fix_dangerous.
  • Link this issue to your PR updating the rule's fixer, and a maintainer will
    update this table. If no changes are needed, leave a comment here and we'll
    also update the table.

For rules without a fixer:

  • Check if a fixer could be safely added in some cases. If so, create a PR with
    a fixer implementation that links to this issue.
  • If no fixer can (or should) be created for the rule, leave a comment below and
    a maintainer will update the table.


  • : Not checked
  • ✅ Has a working fixer
  • 🚧 No fixer, but one could be added
  • 🚫 No fixer, and one cannot be added

Correctness (159):

Code that is outright wrong or useless.

Rule name Source Status
for-direction eslint
no-async-promise-executor eslint
no-caller eslint
no-class-assign eslint
no-compare-neg-zero eslint
no-cond-assign eslint
no-const-assign eslint
no-constant-binary-expression eslint
no-constant-condition eslint
no-control-regex eslint
no-debugger eslint
no-delete-var eslint
no-dupe-class-members eslint
no-dupe-else-if eslint
no-dupe-keys eslint
no-duplicate-case eslint
no-empty-character-class eslint
no-empty-pattern eslint
no-empty-static-block eslint
no-ex-assign eslint
no-extra-boolean-cast eslint
no-func-assign eslint
no-global-assign eslint
no-import-assign eslint
no-irregular-whitespace eslint
no-loss-of-precision eslint
no-new-native-nonconstructor eslint
no-nonoctal-decimal-escape eslint
no-obj-calls eslint
no-self-assign eslint
no-setter-return eslint
no-shadow-restricted-names eslint
no-sparse-arrays eslint
no-this-before-super eslint
no-unsafe-finally eslint
no-unsafe-negation eslint
no-unused-labels eslint
no-unused-private-class-members eslint
no-useless-catch eslint
no-useless-escape eslint
no-useless-rename eslint
no-with eslint
require-yield eslint
use-isnan eslint
valid-typeof eslint
default import
named import
namespace import
expect-expect jest
no-conditional-expect jest
no-disabled-tests jest
no-export jest
no-focused-tests jest
no-standalone-expect jest
require-to-throw-message jest
valid-describe-callback jest
valid-expect jest
valid-title jest
check-property-names jsdoc
check-tag-names jsdoc
implements-on-classes jsdoc
no-defaults jsdoc
require-property jsdoc
require-property-description jsdoc
require-property-name jsdoc
require-property-type jsdoc
require-yields jsdoc
alt-text jsx_a11y
anchor-has-content jsx_a11y
anchor-is-valid jsx_a11y
aria-activedescendant-has-tabindex jsx_a11y
aria-props jsx_a11y
aria-role jsx_a11y
aria-unsupported-elements jsx_a11y
autocomplete-valid jsx_a11y
click-events-have-key-events jsx_a11y
heading-has-content jsx_a11y
html-has-lang jsx_a11y
iframe-has-title jsx_a11y
img-redundant-alt jsx_a11y
lang jsx_a11y
media-has-caption jsx_a11y
mouse-events-have-key-events jsx_a11y
no-access-key jsx_a11y
no-aria-hidden-on-focusable jsx_a11y
no-autofocus jsx_a11y
no-distracting-elements jsx_a11y
no-redundant-roles jsx_a11y
prefer-tag-over-role jsx_a11y
role-has-required-aria-props jsx_a11y
role-supports-aria-props jsx_a11y
scope jsx_a11y
tabindex-no-positive jsx_a11y
google-font-display nextjs
google-font-preconnect nextjs
inline-script-id nextjs
next-script-for-ga nextjs
no-assign-module-variable nextjs
no-async-client-component nextjs
no-before-interactive-script-outside-document nextjs
no-css-tags nextjs
no-document-import-in-page nextjs
no-duplicate-head nextjs
no-head-element nextjs
no-head-import-in-document nextjs
no-img-element nextjs
no-page-custom-font nextjs
no-script-component-in-head nextjs
no-styled-jsx-in-document nextjs
no-sync-scripts nextjs
no-title-in-document-head nextjs
no-typos nextjs
no-unwanted-polyfillio nextjs
bad-array-method-on-arguments oxc
bad-char-at-comparison oxc
bad-comparison-sequence oxc
bad-min-max-func oxc
bad-object-literal-comparison oxc
bad-replace-all-arg oxc
const-comparisons oxc
double-comparisons oxc
erasing-op oxc
missing-throw oxc
number-arg-out-of-range oxc
only-used-in-recursion oxc
uninvoked-array-callback oxc
jsx-key react
jsx-no-duplicate-props react
jsx-no-target-blank react
jsx-no-undef react
no-children-prop react
no-direct-mutation-state react
no-find-dom-node react
no-is-mounted react
no-render-return-value react
no-string-refs react
void-dom-elements-no-children react
no-extra-non-null-assertion typescript
no-misused-new typescript
no-namespace typescript
no-non-null-asserted-optional-chain typescript
no-this-alias typescript
no-unsafe-declaration-merging typescript
no-useless-empty-export typescript
prefer-as-const typescript
triple-slash-reference typescript
no-await-in-promise-methods unicorn
no-document-cookie unicorn
no-empty-file unicorn
no-invalid-remove-event-listener unicorn
no-new-array unicorn
no-single-promise-in-promise-methods unicorn
no-thenable unicorn
no-unnecessary-await unicorn
no-useless-fallback-in-spread unicorn
no-useless-length-check unicorn
no-useless-spread unicorn
prefer-set-size unicorn
prefer-string-starts-ends-with unicorn

Perf (6):

Code that can be written to run faster.

Rule name Source Status
no-await-in-loop eslint
no-accumulating-spread oxc
jsx-no-jsx-as-prop react_perf
jsx-no-new-array-as-prop react_perf
jsx-no-new-function-as-prop react_perf
jsx-no-new-object-as-prop react_perf

Restriction (49):

Lints which prevent the use of language and library features. Must not be enabled as a whole, should be considered on a case-by-case basis before enabling.

Rule name Source Status
default-case eslint
no-bitwise eslint
no-console eslint
no-div-regex eslint
no-empty eslint
no-empty-function eslint
no-eq-null eslint
no-eval eslint
no-iterator eslint
no-proto eslint
no-regex-spaces eslint
no-restricted-globals eslint
no-undefined eslint
no-unsafe-optional-chaining eslint
no-var eslint
no-void eslint
unicode-bom eslint
no-amd import
no-cycle import
no-default-export import
check-access jsdoc
empty-tags jsdoc
bad-bitwise-operator oxc
no-async-await oxc
no-barrel-file oxc
no-const-enum oxc
no-optional-chaining oxc
no-rest-spread-properties oxc
button-has-type react
no-danger react
no-unknown-property react
explicit-function-return-type typescript
no-dynamic-delete typescript
no-explicit-any typescript
no-import-type-side-effects typescript
no-non-null-asserted-nullish-coalescing typescript
no-non-null-assertion typescript
no-var-requires typescript
prefer-literal-enum-member typescript
no-abusive-eslint-disable unicorn
no-anonymous-default-export unicorn
no-array-for-each unicorn
no-array-reduce unicorn
no-magic-array-flat-depth unicorn
no-nested-ternary unicorn
no-process-exit unicorn
prefer-modern-math-apis unicorn
prefer-node-protocol unicorn
prefer-number-properties unicorn

Suspicious (14):

code that is most likely wrong or useless.

Rule name Source Status
no-new eslint
no-useless-concat eslint
no-useless-constructor eslint
no-duplicates import
no-named-as-default import
no-named-as-default-member import
no-self-import import
no-commented-out-tests jest
approx-constant oxc
misrefactored-assign-op oxc
jsx-no-comment-textnodes react
react-in-jsx-scope react
no-unnecessary-type-constraint typescript
prefer-add-event-listener unicorn

Pedantic (66):

Lints which are rather strict or have occasional false positives.

Rule name Source Status
array-callback-return eslint
eqeqeq eslint
max-classes-per-file eslint
max-lines eslint
no-array-constructor eslint
no-case-declarations eslint
no-constructor-return eslint
no-fallthrough eslint
no-inner-declarations eslint
no-new-wrappers eslint
no-prototype-builtins eslint
no-redeclare eslint
no-self-compare eslint
radix eslint
require-await eslint
symbol-description eslint
max-dependencies import
require-param jsdoc
require-param-description jsdoc
require-param-name jsdoc
require-param-type jsdoc
require-returns jsdoc
require-returns-description jsdoc
require-returns-type jsdoc
checked-requires-onchange-or-readonly react
jsx-no-useless-fragment react
no-unescaped-entities react
ban-ts-comment typescript
ban-types typescript
no-duplicate-enum-values typescript
prefer-enum-initializers typescript
prefer-ts-expect-error typescript
escape-case unicorn
explicit-length-check unicorn
new-for-builtins unicorn
no-hex-escape unicorn
no-instanceof-array unicorn
no-lonely-if unicorn
no-negated-condition unicorn
no-negation-in-equality-check unicorn
no-new-buffer unicorn
no-object-as-default-parameter unicorn
no-static-only-class unicorn
no-this-assignment unicorn
no-typeof-undefined unicorn
no-unreadable-iife unicorn
no-useless-promise-resolve-reject unicorn
no-useless-switch-case unicorn
prefer-array-flat unicorn
prefer-array-some unicorn
prefer-blob-reading-methods unicorn
prefer-code-point unicorn
prefer-date-now unicorn
prefer-dom-node-append unicorn
prefer-dom-node-dataset unicorn
prefer-dom-node-remove unicorn
prefer-event-target unicorn
prefer-math-trunc unicorn
prefer-native-coercion-functions unicorn
prefer-prototype-methods unicorn
prefer-query-selector unicorn
prefer-regexp-test unicorn
prefer-string-replace-all unicorn
prefer-string-slice unicorn
prefer-type-error unicorn
require-number-to-fixed-digits-argument unicorn

Style (80):

Code that should be written in a more idiomatic way.

Rule name Source Status
default-case-last eslint
default-param-last eslint
guard-for-in eslint
max-params eslint
no-continue eslint
no-multi-str eslint
no-script-url eslint
no-template-curly-in-string eslint
no-ternary eslint
prefer-exponentiation-operator eslint
sort-imports eslint
consistent-test-it jest
max-expects jest
max-nested-describe jest
no-alias-methods jest
no-confusing-set-timeout jest
no-deprecated-functions jest
no-done-callback jest
no-duplicate-hooks jest
no-hooks jest
no-identical-title jest
no-interpolation-in-snapshots jest
no-jasmine-globals jest
no-large-snapshots jest
no-mocks-import jest
no-restricted-jest-methods jest
no-restricted-matchers jest
no-test-prefixes jest
no-test-return-statement jest
no-untyped-mock-factory jest
prefer-called-with jest
prefer-comparison-matcher jest
prefer-equality-matcher jest
prefer-expect-resolves jest
prefer-hooks-on-top jest
prefer-jest-mocked jest
prefer-lowercase-title jest
prefer-mock-promise-shorthand jest
prefer-spy-on jest
prefer-strict-equal jest
prefer-to-be jest
prefer-to-contain jest
prefer-to-have-length jest
prefer-todo jest
require-hook jest
require-top-level-describe jest
no-set-state react
prefer-es-6-class react
adjacent-overload-signatures typescript
array-type typescript
ban-tslint-comment typescript
consistent-indexed-object-style typescript
consistent-type-definitions typescript
no-empty-interface typescript
prefer-for-of typescript
prefer-function-type typescript
catch-error-name unicorn
empty-brace-spaces unicorn
error-message unicorn
filename-case unicorn
no-await-expression-member unicorn
no-console-spaces unicorn
no-null unicorn
no-unreadable-array-destructuring unicorn
no-zero-fractions unicorn
number-literal-case unicorn
numeric-separators-style unicorn
prefer-array-flat-map unicorn
prefer-dom-node-text-content unicorn
prefer-includes unicorn
prefer-logical-operator-over-ternary unicorn
prefer-modern-dom-apis unicorn
prefer-optional-catch-binding unicorn
prefer-reflect-apply unicorn
prefer-spread unicorn
prefer-string-trim-start-end unicorn
require-array-join-separator unicorn
switch-case-braces unicorn
text-encoding-identifier-case unicorn
throw-new-error unicorn

Nursery (9):

New lints that are still under development.

Rule name Source Status
constructor-super eslint
getter-return eslint
no-undef eslint
no-unreachable eslint
export import
require-render-return react
rules-of-hooks react
no-side-effects-in-initialization tree_shaking
consistent-type-imports typescript

These tables were created by running oxlint --rules on commit ca0b4fa0.

@DonIsaac DonIsaac added C-enhancement Category - New feature or request good first issue Experience Level - Good for newcomers A-linter Area - Linter labels Jul 11, 2024
@Boshen Boshen changed the title linter: add, improve, and fix rule fixers linter: rule fixer improvements Jul 11, 2024
@Boshen Boshen pinned this issue Jul 11, 2024
Boshen pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jul 11, 2024
Part of  #4179.

Adds a fixer for some common typos.
Boshen pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jul 11, 2024
Part of #4179.

Fixes cases like:
if (foo) debugger
// got fixed into
if (foo)
// but now gets fixed to
if (foo) {}
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A-linter Area - Linter C-enhancement Category - New feature or request good first issue Experience Level - Good for newcomers
None yet

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1 participant