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Canvas Manual Installation

Matthew Buckett edited this page Nov 13, 2020 · 1 revision

Installation in Canvas

To install a LTI 1.3 tool in Canvas you need to have access to the root account (top of the sub-account tree) and the have permission to manage developer keys. There is some documentation from Instructure on setting up a developer key. This guide assumes you are wanting to develop a demo tool on your local machine. This explains all the fields in a manual setup method.

Create new LTI Developer key

In the root account navigate to the Developer Key tool and click the "+ Developer Key" button, select the "+ LTI Key" option and a modal dialogue should open. Complete the fields as follows:

  • Key name: Spring Demo LTI 1.3 Tool - Or any other name, this is displayed in the Developer Key interface and should be meaningful to administrators.
  • Owner email: - Who to contact if there's a problem with the tool. This isn't used programatically.
  • Redirect URIs: https://localhost:8443/oauth2/login - The redirect URI for the OAuth2 flow.
  • Notes: Just for testing - Notes that may help other administrators or you in 6 months time.
  • Method: Manual entry
  • Title: Demo Tool - The name that will be displayed to users of the tool unless it's overridden in any other placements.
  • Description: Just testing - A user helpful description of the tool.
  • Target Link URI: https://localhost:8443 - The URL the user's browser should be redirected to at the end of the login process.
  • OpenID Connect Initiation URL: https://localhost:8443/oauth2/login_initiation/canvas - The URL to start the Open Connect Login flow, here canvas is the identifier for the instance that is connecting to the tool.
  • JWK Method: Public JWK
  • Public JWK: {"kty": "RSA", "e": "AQAB", "use": "sig", "kid": "lti-jwt-id", "alg": "RS256", "n": "unused" } - This will not work for using any LTI Advantage services, but will allow the login to happen as the public key isn't used for that.
  • LTI Advantage Services - Leave all unchecked.
  • Additional Settings - You don't need any for now although "Custom Fields" is very useful for getting more information.
  • Placements - Course Navigation - This is up to you, it's where you want the LTI to appear.

Save the tool.

Toggle the state of the tool to ON, this will allow it to be added.

Copy the "Client ID" from the "Details" column, this is a long string of numbers (you don't need the key). This is needed to add the tool to a Canvas account or course.

Now navigate to a canvas account or course and got to the "Settings" tool. Then select the "Apps" tab. Click on "View App Configurations". Click on "+ App". Select a "Configuration Type" of "By Client ID" and then paste in the client ID copied from the Developer Key page. Click "Install" with asked to confirm and you should have the LTI 1.3 tool installed now and it should appear in the placements you selected when configuring the tool.

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