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<#97> Loop over all MOI-Attributes during copy_to
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- Instead of writing specific functions for the attributes objective_function,
 VariablePrimalStart, ConstraintPrimalStart, ConstraintDualStart,
 loop over all ModelAttributes, VariableAttributes and ConstraintAttributes,
 call the corresponding `load(attribute)` function (if attribute is supported),
 or throw an error otherwise.

- Rename some of the MOI.set to MOI.load. This is necessary to trigger model-emptying
 in some cases.
- Modify unit tests accordingly.
- Add unit test for an unsupported attribute
- In response to the problem discussed in issue #97
  • Loading branch information
migarstka committed Nov 18, 2019
1 parent 59f0480 commit 39d7bc1
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Showing 2 changed files with 147 additions and 119 deletions.
228 changes: 118 additions & 110 deletions src/MOIWrapper.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,14 +137,17 @@ function MOI.copy_to(dest::Optimizer, src::MOI.ModelLike; copy_names = false)
idxmap = MOIU.IndexMap(dest, src)
assign_constraint_row_ranges!(dest.rowranges, idxmap, src)
dest.sense, P, q, dest.objconstant = processobjective(src, idxmap)
A,b, constr_constant, convexSets = processconstraints(dest, src, idxmap, dest.rowranges)
convexSets = COSMO.merge_sets(convexSets)
COSMO.set!(dest.inner, P, q, A, b, convexSets, dest.inner.settings)
processconstraints!(dest, src, idxmap, dest.rowranges)

dest.is_empty = false
dest.idxmap = idxmap
warm_start_primal!(dest, src, idxmap)
warm_start_dual!(dest, src, idxmap)
# pass attributes, e.g. objective, warm strarting vars, etc.
dest.sense = MOI.get(src, MOI.ObjectiveSense())
COSMO.pass_attributes!(dest, src, idxmap)

# if no cost function is provided, allocate P, q with correct sizes
dest.sense == MOI.FEASIBILITY_SENSE && COSMO.allocate_cost_variables!(dest)
return idxmap

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,63 +213,81 @@ function constraint_rows(rowranges::Dict{Int, UnitRange{Int}}, ci::CI{<:Any, <:M
constraint_rows(rowranges::Dict{Int, UnitRange{Int}}, ci::CI{<:Any, <:MOI.AbstractVectorSet}) = rowranges[ci.value]

function processobjective(src::MOI.ModelLike, idxmap)
sense = MOI.get(src, MOI.ObjectiveSense())
n = MOI.get(src, MOI.NumberOfVariables())
q = zeros(n)
# FIXME: this is a hacky way of finding the objective function type and should be changed
if typeof(src) <: MOIU.UniversalFallback
obj_type = MOI.get(src.model,MOI.ObjectiveFunctionType())
obj_type = MOI.get(src, MOI.ObjectiveFunctionType())
# this is handled explicitly in `copy_to` before the objective function is processed
MOI.supports(::Optimizer, ::MOI.ObjectiveSense) = true
MOIU.load(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.ObjectiveSense, sense) = nothing

if obj_type == MOI.SingleVariable
fsingle = MOI.get(src, MOI.ObjectiveFunction{MOI.SingleVariable}())
P = spzeros(n, n)
q[idxmap[fsingle.variable].value] = 1
c = 0.
elseif obj_type == MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}
faffine = MOI.get(src, MOI.ObjectiveFunction{MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}}())
P = spzeros(n, n)
# sets q
processlinearterms!(q, faffine.terms, idxmap)
c = faffine.constant
elseif obj_type == MOI.ScalarQuadraticFunction{Float64}
fquadratic = MOI.get(src, MOI.ObjectiveFunction{MOI.ScalarQuadraticFunction{Float64}}())
I = [Int(idxmap[term.variable_index_1].value) for term in fquadratic.quadratic_terms]
J = [Int(idxmap[term.variable_index_2].value) for term in fquadratic.quadratic_terms]
V = [term.coefficient for term in fquadratic.quadratic_terms]
symmetrize!(I, J, V)
P = sparse(I, J, V, n, n)
processlinearterms!(q, fquadratic.affine_terms, idxmap)
c = fquadratic.constant
sense == MOI.MAX_SENSE && (LinearAlgebra.rmul!(P, -1); LinearAlgebra.rmul!(q, -1); c = -c)
P = spzeros(n, n)
q = zeros(n)
c = 0.
sense, P, q, c
function allocate_cost_variables!(optimizer::Optimizer)
m, n = size(optimizer.inner.p.A)
optimizer.inner.p.P = spzeros(n, n)
optimizer.inner.p.q = zeros(n)
return nothing

MOI.supports(::Optimizer, ::MOI.ObjectiveFunction{<:Union{MOI.SingleVariable, Affine, Quadratic}}) = true
function MOIU.load(dest::Optimizer, ::MOI.ObjectiveFunction, f::MOI.SingleVariable)
idxmap = dest.idxmap
n = MOI.get(dest, MOI.NumberOfVariables())
dest.inner.p.q = zeros(n)
dest.inner.p.q[idxmap[f.variable].value] = 1
dest.inner.p.P = spzeros(n, n)
dest.objconstant = 0.
dest.objconstant = apply_sense!(dest.sense, dest.inner.p.P, dest.inner.p.q, dest.objconstant)
return nothing

function MOIU.load(dest::Optimizer, ::MOI.ObjectiveFunction, f::MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64})
idxmap = dest.idxmap
n = MOI.get(dest, MOI.NumberOfVariables())
dest.inner.p.P = spzeros(n, n)

dest.inner.p.q = zeros(n)
processlinearterms!(dest.inner.p.q, f.terms)# idxmap)

dest.objconstant = f.constant
dest.objconstant = apply_sense!(dest.sense, dest.inner.p.P, dest.inner.p.q, dest.objconstant)
return nothing

function MOIU.load(dest::Optimizer, ::MOI.ObjectiveFunction, f::MOI.ScalarQuadraticFunction{Float64})
idxmap = dest.idxmap
n = MOI.get(dest, MOI.NumberOfVariables())

I = [Int(idxmap[term.variable_index_1].value) for term in f.quadratic_terms]
J = [Int(idxmap[term.variable_index_2].value) for term in f.quadratic_terms]
V = [term.coefficient for term in f.quadratic_terms]
symmetrize!(I, J, V)
dest.inner.p.P = sparse(I, J, V, n, n)

dest.inner.p.q = zeros(n)
processlinearterms!(dest.inner.p.q, f.affine_terms)#, idxmap)
dest.objconstant = f.constant

dest.objconstant = apply_sense!(dest.sense, dest.inner.p.P, dest.inner.p.q, dest.objconstant)
return nothing

function MOIU.load(dest::Optimizer, ::MOI.ObjectiveFunction, f)

function apply_sense!(sense::MOI.OptimizationSense, P::AbstractMatrix, q::AbstractVector, c::Float64)
if sense == MOI.MAX_SENSE
LinearAlgebra.rmul!(P, -1)
LinearAlgebra.rmul!(q, -1)
c = -c
return c

function processlinearterms!(q, terms::Vector{<:MOI.ScalarAffineTerm}, idxmapfun::Function = identity)
for term in terms
var = term.variable_index
coeff = term.coefficient
q[idxmapfun(var).value] += coeff
q[var.value] += coeff

function processlinearterms!(q, terms::Vector{<:MOI.ScalarAffineTerm}, idxmap::MOIU.IndexMap)
processlinearterms!(q, terms, var -> idxmap[var])

function symmetrize!(I::Vector{Int}, J::Vector{Int}, V::Vector)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,7 +344,7 @@ variable_index_value(t::MOI.VectorAffineTerm) = variable_index_value(t.scalar_te
coefficient(t::MOI.ScalarAffineTerm) = t.coefficient
coefficient(t::MOI.VectorAffineTerm) = coefficient(t.scalar_term)

function processconstraints(optimizer, src::MOI.ModelLike, idxmap, rowranges::Dict{Int, UnitRange{Int}})
function processconstraints!(optimizer::Optimizer, src::MOI.ModelLike, idxmap, rowranges::Dict{Int, UnitRange{Int}})

m = mapreduce(length, +, values(rowranges), init=0)

Expand All @@ -342,7 +363,18 @@ function processconstraints(optimizer, src::MOI.ModelLike, idxmap, rowranges::Di
# subtract constant from right hand side
n = MOI.get(src, MOI.NumberOfVariables())
A = sparse(I, J, V, m, n)
return A, b, constant, COSMOconvexSets

# in a second step: merge some of the sets
convex_sets = COSMO.merge_sets(COSMOconvexSets)

# store constraint matrices in inner model
model = optimizer.inner
model.p.A = A
model.p.b = b
model.p.C = CompositeConvexSet(deepcopy(convex_sets))
model.p.model_size = [size(A, 1); size(A,2 )]
optimizer.constr_constant = constant
return nothing

function processconstraints!(triplets::SparseTriplets, b::Vector, COSMOconvexSets::Array{COSMO.AbstractConvexSet{Float64}}, constant::Vector{Float64}, set_constant::Vector{Float64},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,7 +423,7 @@ end

# process function like f(x) = coeff*x_1
function processConstraint!(triplets::SparseTriplets, f::MOI.ScalarAffineFunction, row::Int, idxmap, s::MOI.AbstractSet)
function processConstraint!(triplets::SparseTriplets, f::MOI.ScalarAffineFunction, row::Int, idxmap::MOIU.IndexMap, s::MOI.AbstractSet)
(I, J, V) = triplets
for term in f.terms
push!(I, row)
Expand All @@ -400,7 +432,7 @@ function processConstraint!(triplets::SparseTriplets, f::MOI.ScalarAffineFunctio

function processConstraint!(triplets::SparseTriplets, f::MOI.VectorOfVariables, rows::UnitRange{Int}, idxmap, s::MOI.AbstractSet)
function processConstraint!(triplets::SparseTriplets, f::MOI.VectorOfVariables, rows::UnitRange{Int}, idxmap::MOIU.IndexMap, s::MOI.AbstractSet)
(I, J, V) = triplets
cols = zeros(length(rows))
for (i, var) in enumerate(f.variables)
Expand All @@ -412,7 +444,7 @@ function processConstraint!(triplets::SparseTriplets, f::MOI.VectorOfVariables,

function processConstraint!(triplets::SparseTriplets, f::MOI.VectorAffineFunction, rows::UnitRange{Int}, idxmap, s::MOI.AbstractSet)
function processConstraint!(triplets::SparseTriplets, f::MOI.VectorAffineFunction, rows::UnitRange{Int}, idxmap::MOIU.IndexMap, s::MOI.AbstractSet)
(I, J, V) = triplets
A = sparse(output_index.(f.terms), variable_index_value.(f.terms), coefficient.(f.terms))
# sparse combines duplicates with + but does not remove zeros created so we call dropzeros!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -567,51 +599,32 @@ function merge_box!(merged_sets::Array{COSMO.AbstractConvexSet{Float64}, 1}, ind
return set_ind + 1

function warm_start_primal!(dest, src::MOI.ModelLike, idxmap)
has_primal_start = false
for attr in MOI.get(src, MOI.ListOfVariableAttributesSet())
if attr isa MOI.VariablePrimalStart
has_primal_start = true
if has_primal_start
len = 0
vis_src = MOI.get(src, MOI.ListOfVariableIndices())
for vi in vis_src
value = MOI.get(src, MOI.VariablePrimalStart(), vi)
if value != nothing
len += 1
MOI.set(dest, MOI.VariablePrimalStart(), vi, value)

# if all components of the primal variable x are provided, warm start s = b - Ax too
if len == dest.inner.p.model_size[2]
s0 = dest.inner.p.b - dest.inner.p.A * dest.inner.vars.x
COSMO.warm_start_slack!(dest.inner, s0)

function pass_attributes!(dest::Optimizer, src::MOI.ModelLike, idxmap::MOIU.IndexMap, pass_attr::Function=MOI.set)
copy_names = false

function warm_start_dual!(dest, src::MOI.ModelLike, idxmap)
for (F, S) in MOI.get(src, MOI.ListOfConstraints())
has_dual_start = false
for attr in MOI.get(src, MOI.ListOfConstraintAttributesSet{F, S}())
if attr isa MOI.ConstraintDualStart
has_dual_start = true
if has_dual_start
cis_src = MOI.get(src, MOI.ListOfConstraintIndices{F, S}())
for ci in cis_src
value = MOI.get(src, MOI.ConstraintDualStart(), ci)
value != nothing && MOI.set(dest, MOI.ConstraintDualStart(), ci, value)
# Copy model attributes, e.g. ObjectiveFunction
attrs = MOI.get(src, MOI.ListOfModelAttributesSet())
MOIU._pass_attributes(dest, src, copy_names, idxmap, attrs, tuple(), tuple(), tuple(), MOIU.load)

# Copy variable attributes, e.g. VariablePrimalStart
var_attr = MOI.get(src, MOI.ListOfVariableAttributesSet())
vis_src = MOI.get(src, MOI.ListOfVariableIndices())
vis_dest = map(vi -> idxmap[vi], vis_src)
MOIU._pass_attributes(dest, src, copy_names, idxmap, var_attr, (VI,), (vis_src,), (vis_dest,), MOIU.load)

# Copy constraint attributes, e.g. ConstraintPrimalStart
for (F, S) in MOI.get(src, MOI.ListOfConstraints())
cis_src = MOI.get(src, MOI.ListOfConstraintIndices{F, S}())
attrs = MOI.get(src, MOI.ListOfConstraintAttributesSet{F, S}())
cis_dest = map(ci -> idxmap[ci], cis_src)
MOIU._pass_attributes(dest, src, copy_names, idxmap, attrs, (CI{F, S},), (cis_src,), (cis_dest,), MOIU.load)
return nothing

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -737,25 +750,28 @@ end

## Warm starting:
MOI.supports(::Optimizer, a::MOI.VariablePrimalStart, ::Type{MOI.VariableIndex}) = true
function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, a::MOI.VariablePrimalStart, vi::VI, value::Real)
function MOIU.load(optimizer::Optimizer, a::MOI.VariablePrimalStart, vi::VI, value::Real)
MOI.is_empty(optimizer) && throw(MOI.CannotSetAttribute(a))
COSMO.warm_start_primal!(optimizer.inner, value, vi.value)
MOIU.load(optimizer::Optimizer, a::MOI.VariablePrimalStart, vi::VI, value::Nothing) = nothing

MOI.supports(::Optimizer, a::MOI.ConstraintPrimalStart, ::Type{MOI.ConstraintIndex}) = true
function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, a::MOI.ConstraintPrimalStart, ci_src::CI{<:MOI.AbstractFunction, S}, value) where S <: MOI.AbstractSet
MOI.supports(::Optimizer, a::MOI.ConstraintPrimalStart, ::Type{<:MOI.ConstraintIndex}) = true
function MOIU.load(optimizer::Optimizer, a::MOI.ConstraintPrimalStart, ci::CI{<:MOI.AbstractFunction, S}, value) where S <: MOI.AbstractSet
(value == nothing || isa(value, Array{Nothing, 1})) && return nothing
MOI.is_empty(optimizer) && throw(MOI.CannotSetAttribute(a))
rows = constraint_rows(optimizer.rowranges, optimizer.idxmap[ci_src])
rows = constraint_rows(optimizer.rowranges, ci)
# this undoes the scaling and shifting that was used in get(MOI.ConstraintPrimal)
# Off-diagonal entries of slack variable of a PSDTriangle constraint has to be scaled by sqrt(2)
value = _shift(optimizer, rows, value, S)
COSMO.warm_start_slack!(optimizer.inner, _scalecoef(nom_rows(rows, S), value, false, S, false), rows)

MOI.supports(::Optimizer, a::MOI.ConstraintDualStart, ::Type{MOI.ConstraintIndex}) = true
function MOI.set(optimizer::Optimizer, a::MOI.ConstraintDualStart, ci_src::CI{<:MOI.AbstractFunction, S}, value) where S <: MOI.AbstractSet
MOI.supports(::Optimizer, a::MOI.ConstraintDualStart, ::Type{<:MOI.ConstraintIndex}) = true
function MOIU.load(optimizer::Optimizer, a::MOI.ConstraintDualStart, ci::CI{<:MOI.AbstractFunction, S}, value) where S <: MOI.AbstractSet
(value == nothing || isa(value, Array{Nothing, 1})) && return nothing
MOI.is_empty(optimizer) && throw(MOI.CannotSetAttribute(a))
rows = constraint_rows(optimizer.rowranges, optimizer.idxmap[ci_src])
rows = constraint_rows(optimizer.rowranges, ci)
# this undoes the scaling that was used in get(MOI.ConstraintDual)
# Off-diagonal entries of dual variable of a PSDTriangle constraint has to be scaled by sfqrt(2)
COSMO.warm_start_dual!(optimizer.inner, _scalecoef(nom_rows(rows, S), value, false, S, false), rows)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -795,19 +811,11 @@ function MOI.get(optimizer::Optimizer, ::MOI.TimeLimitSec)
return MOI.get(optimizer, MOI.RawParameter("time_limit"))


# allow objective functions that have the following template types
MOI.supports(::Optimizer, ::MOI.ObjectiveFunction{<:Union{MOI.SingleVariable, Affine, Quadratic}}) = true
MOI.supports(::Optimizer, ::MOI.ObjectiveSense) = true

## Supported Constraints
MOI.supports_constraint(optimizer::Optimizer, ::Type{<:Affine}, ::Type{<:IntervalConvertible}) = true
MOI.supports_constraint(optimizer::Optimizer, ::Type{<:Union{VectorOfVariables, VectorAffine}}, ::Type{<:SupportedVectorSets}) = true

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