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TypeScript CrashCourse Tutorial with Brad Traversy

These are my personal notes/summary of the TypeScript CrashCourse by Brad Traversy.


Topics Covered:

1. Type basics

Declare type of your variables as either number, string,boolean or any beforehand. That's what makes TypeScript different from JavaScript. Strict typing.

let name: string = 'Bob'; // `name` declared as a string type

name = 3; // This reassignment will raise an error because the value of name has been declared beforehand as only being able to be of a string type.

let id: number = 3;
id = 'Three'; // This reassignment will raise an error because the value of id has been declared beforehand as only being able to be of a number type.

let status: any = 3;
status = true; // This reassignment will not raise an error because the value of status has been declared beforehand as being able to be of any type.

2. Tuples

Tuples allow you the specific types you want inside your arrays.

let person: [number, string, boolean] = [1, 'Hi', false]; // The first element of this array may only be a number while the second element and the third element may strictly be a string and boolean respectively.

let employee: [number, string][]; // This declaration means that the employee array is an array of arrays and each element (each nested array) may only have a number as its first element and a string as its second element.

// Example:
employee = [
	[1, 'John'],
	[2, 'Paul'],

3. Union Types

Allow you to specify that a variable may be of more than one type but just the specified ones.

let id: number | string; // This variable may be a string or a number but not a boolean or an array or an object etc.

4. Enums / Enumerated Types

Enums allow us to define a set of named constants. They are native to TS and are compiled as functions in JS.

enum Direction1 {
	Left =,
console.log(Direction1.Up); //=> 0
console.log(Direction1.Down); //=> 1
console.log(Direction1.Left); //=> 2
console.log(Direction1.Right); //=> 3

The values of enums can be changed. Check the attached TS file for examples.

The above enum would be compiled in JavaScript as follows:

var Direction1;
(function (Direction1) {
	Direction1[(Direction1['Up'] = 0)] = 'Up';
	Direction1[(Direction1['Down'] = 1)] = 'Down';
	Direction1[(Direction1['Left'] = 2)] = 'Left';
	Direction1[(Direction1['Right'] = 3)] = 'Right';
})(Direction1 || (Direction1 = {}));
console.log(Direction1.Up); //=> 0
console.log(Direction1.Down); //=> 1
console.log(Direction1.Left); //=> 2
console.log(Direction1.Right); //=> 3

5. Objects

We can add types to the properties of an object beforehand.

const user: {
	id: number;
	name: string;
}; //=> This user object only expects an id that's an integer and a name that's a string. If you pass an integer as a name it will raise exception.

user = {
	id: 2,
	name: 'John',

We could use the type keyword to abstract what a user object would look like and be able to reuse it later:

type User = {
	id: number;
	name: string;

6. Type Assertion

Explicitly tell a compiler that we want to treat an entity as a different type.

Consider this:

let id: any = 1;

let customerId = id as number;
// id can be passed as any data type but when we use it as a cutomer id, it may only be a number.
// We are asserting what we want our data to be.

7. Functions

You can (and should) give your function parameters a type. Also declare the type of your return value.

function addNum(x: number, y: number): number {
	return x + y;
// This function expects both its parameters to be a number and it returns a number.

8. Interfaces

Interfaces are a bit like the type keyword. The difference is that types are used with primitive types and/or union types (also objects). Interfaces are used with objects and classes. They cannot be used with primitive types.

interface UserInterface {
	id: number;
	name: string;

const person: UserInterface = {
	id: 22,
	name: 'Mike',
// person inherits its type from the UserInterface interface. It only expects data types as defined in the interface it inherits from and nothing else.

In an interface, and objects generally (remember that functions are also objects), optional variables or parameters are denoted with a question mark ?.

interface Shenanigans {
	activity: string;
	date?: number;
	readonly attendees: number;
// => You don't have to enter the date parameter here.

const nduwano: Shenanigans = {
	activity: 'Kuvuka',
	attendees: 3,
}; //=> Optional variable not passed here.

Interfaces allow for modilarity. Consider this interface:

interface MathFunc {
	(x: number, y: number): number;

It lays the structure of a function that takes two numbers as arguments and return a number.

Therefore it is possible to use this interface in any function that performs a mathematical operation with two numbers:

const add: MathFunc = (x: number, y: number): number => x + y; //=> MathFunc used in an addition function.

const subtract: MathFunc = (x: number, y: number): number => x - y; //=> MathFunc used in an subtraction function.

9. Classes

Classes can borrow from interfaces. To use an interface on a class, we use the implements keyword.

interface PersonInterface {
	id: number;
	name: string;
	register(): string;

class Person implements PersonInterface {
	id: number;
	name: string;

	constructor(id: number, name: string) { = id; = name;

	register() {
		return `${} is now registered with ID number ${}`;

const bob = new Person(1, 'Bob');
console.log(bob); //=> Person {1, 'Bob'}
console.log(bob.register()); //=> Bob is now registered with ID number 1

10. Extending classes in TypeScript

Classes are extended using the extends keyword.

Let us extend the above Person class to an Employee class.

class Employee extends Person {
	position: string;
	constructor(id: number, name: string, position: string) {
		super(id, name);
		this.position = position;

const emp = new Employee(1, 'Shaun', 'Developer');

We don't need to redeclare the data types of id and name because they were previously declared in the super class. To reference them, we simply call the super method and pass the variables we are inheriting from the super class.

console.log(; //=> 'Shaun'
console.log(emp.position); //=> 'Developer'

11. Generics

Used to build reusable components

Say we hava this generic function that we want to use to build arrays.

function getArray(items: any[]): any[] {
	return new Array().concat(items);

We can modify the function by adding a generic that will limit the returned array to be of only one type of elements:

function getArray<T>(items: T[]): T[] {
	return new Array().concat(items);

The <T> here acts as a generic. A placeholder that will be replaced with a data type we want all the elements of the resulting array to be.

let numArray = getArray<number>([1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);

let strArray = getArray<string>(['Brad', 'Prince', 'Hammer', 'Ross']);

12. tsconfig

Generate a tsconfig file by typing the command tsc --init in your folder.

  1. You can change the target property of the tsconfig file to choose which version of JS you want your file to be compiled to.

  2. Uncomment the rootDir property of the tsconfig file and choose which directory you want your source files to be in from where they will be compiled by tsc.

  3. Uncomment the outDir property of the tsconfig file and choose which directory you want your compiled files to be in.

  4. Watch all the TS files using the tsc --watch command or tsc -w command. That way you won't need to recompile the code each time.


A Typescript Crash Course by Brad Traversy






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