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Speer Technologies - Backend Assessment

Technical Requirements

  1. Implement a RESTful API using a framework of your choice (e.g. Express, DRF, Spring).
  2. Use a database of your choice to store the data (preferably MongoDB or PostgreSQL).
  3. Use any authentication protocol and implement a simple rate limiting and request throttling to handle high traffic.
  4. Implement search functionality to enable users to search for notes based on keywords. ( preferably text indexing for high performance )
  5. Write unit tests and integration tests your API endpoints using a testing framework of your choice.

Approach and Preferences

Framework - Express

Express JS exhibits a higher request-per-second throughput compared to other frameworks. The asynchronous and event-driven nature of Express JS, combined with its lightweight design, allows it to handle a larger number of concurrent requests efficiently

Database - MongoDB

While PostgreSQL offer robust, reliable, ACID-compliant relational data storage solutions, NoSQL databases like MongoDB provide flexible, horizontally scalable alternatives.

Authentication - JWT, bcrypt for hashing passwords

Tests - Jest, Supertest

Jest is likely the better choice if you want a testing framework that we can use on its own, without having to configure integrations.

How to run and test

  1. Clone the Repo.
  2. Run npm install command to install the dependencies.
  3. To install nodemon, run npm i nodemon.
  4. Go to .env File and replace the MONGODB_URL.
  5. To run the application, use npm start command.
  6. To run the tests, use npm test command.

Note: Make Sure to use the routes properly.


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