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Peter Adam edited this page Sep 10, 2013 · 1 revision

Open Settings page (Menu entry 'Einstellungen')

  1. Required settings
    • All your activities are grouped in different event types, such as competitions, workout etc. You need to define at least one event type.
    • You need to define your sports and assign a color to it. This color will be used in calendar view and in the report plots.
      Optionally, link it to a formula for estimation of burned calories.
      Check 'Geschwindigkeit als Pace' if you want to use meters per second instead of kilometers per hour as speed unit.
  2. Optional settings
    • Add sports equipments if you have some and if you want to track the usage of them.
      You can optionally add a description and a distance offset, if you have used your equipment before tracking usage with trainingslog.
    • Calorie formulas
      Trainingslog comes with a set of predefined calorie formulas. You can add custom formulas to estimate how many calories you have burned in your activities.
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