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arsenycom edited this page Oct 8, 2010 · 12 revisions

I suggest to go Agile by short sprints

ver. 1.0 closed release date: october, 11 2010

  • fb application, retrieve all youtube videos from news feed and shows them one after another
  • no layout, just video and information above and below
  • shows above the video - profile pic of the user who's news feed we use to create a playlist and text: Pavel Katsev's channel
  • playlist goes to eternity in the past
  • shows below the video: controls, who shared this video, what time ago a person shared it, time remaining
  • iframe = fullscreen?
  • transparent .gif logo of the application. Dimention 300x300pix
  • fb application doubles outside the FB on any domain.

ver. 2.0 open release date:

  • animated transparent .gif logo above black background between videos, while downloading
  • designed controls and information next to the video
  • shows below the video: comment of a person, who shared the video
  • counter (Google analytics)

ver. 2.1 open release date:

  • flash server shows controls, and all information while playing viedeo (overlay)
  • professional designed controls, overlay information and interstitials between the videos

Possible domains:

  • +
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