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This is a C# Source Generator. This let you embed files in your application. You do not need to use Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream anymore.

How to use


dotnet add package EmbedResourceCSharp

Add only 1 package to your C# project.

Embedding file

Provide that there are some files like below.

  • projectFolder/
    • Example.csproj
    • ExampleProgram.cs
    • resourceFileA.txt
namespace Example
    // partial methods require partial class/struct!
    public partial class ExampleClass
            The relative file path from C# project folder should be specified.
            The return value type must be System.ReadOnlySpan<byte>.
            No parameter must exist.
            The method must be static and partial.
            The accessibility of the method does not matter.
        private static partial System.ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetFileContentA();

You can get file content byte sequence with static partial method System.ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetFileContentA.

Embedding files under specific folder

Provide that there are some files like below.

  • projectFolder/
    • Example2.csproj
    • ExampleProgram.cs
  • folderB/
    • resourceA.txt
    • resourceB.txt
    • folderB_C/
      • resourceC.txt
    • resourceD.csv
namespace Example2
    // partial methods require partial class/struct!
    public partial class ExampleClass
            The relative folder path from C# project folder should be specified. The folder path should end with slash or backslash.
            The return value type must be System.ReadOnlySpan<byte>.
            One parameter must exist and its type must be System.ReadOnlySpan<char>. The parameter name does not matter.
            The method must be static and partial.
            The accessibility of the method does not matter.
        [EmbedResourceCSharp.FolderEmbed("../folderB/", "*.txt")]
        private static partial System.ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetResouceFileContent(System.ReadOnlySpan<char> path);

        public static void Main()
            // Specify relative path from the folder.
            var aContent = GetResouceFileContent("resourceA.txt");
            var bContent = GetResouceFileContent("resourceB.txt");
            var cContent = GetResouceFileContent("folderB_C/resourceC.txt");
            // var dContent = GetResouceFileContent("resourceD.csv");
            // Above method call throws an FileNotFoundException!

You can include all files under the target folder recursively. You can filter file with search pattern.


Embed resource files more C# programmer friendly!








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