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An advanced JavaScript alert/dialog library for all PWAs. NPM accessible.


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With 5 Fully customizable templates🎨.

Template Designs






Demo (A test run)

Follow the steps below to successully run the demo build.

Step 1. Clone this repo to your local computer.
Step 2. Open your npm terminal and navigate to the 'demo' folder path within the cloned folder.
Step 3. Still on your terminal, run the command below to stage the demo build.

npm start

Step 4. Access the staged build from your browser via ( http://localhost:3000/ ).

Getting Started [ installation ]

1. By Source Reference

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path-to-css/pexxalert.min.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-js/pexxalert.min.js"></script>

2. Via NPM

Step 1. Install both pexxalert and jquery via Node CLI.

npm i pexxalert jquery

Step 2. Import.

import 'pexxalert/dist/pexxalert.min.css';
import $ from 'jquery';
import pexxalert from 'pexxalert';

Step 3. Usage. (React App Example).

// window == browser window object.
var alert = new pexxalert($, window, 'alert', { anchor : '#root'});

function show_alert(event){ return alert.display({ type : 'success', message : 'All worked out.' });

function App(){ return ( <div className="App"><button onClick={ show_alert }>Tap Me</button></div> );

export default App;


Global Object Declaration

NOTE: The instantiation below is to be made once and should be done when document is ready. NOTE: $ == jquery init function. window == browser window object.

// For alert
const alert = new pexxalert($, window, 'alert', { anchor: 'body' });

// For confirm
const confirm = new pexxalert($, window, 'confirm', { anchor: 'body' });

// For progress
const progress = new pexxalert($, window, 'progress', { anchor: 'body' });

// For input
const input = new pexxalert($, window, 'input', { anchor: 'body' });

// For call
const call = new pexxalert($, window, 'call', { anchor: 'body' });

Declared Object Use

NOTE: Use the previously declared global object anytime you want to display its related alert. All you do is to set the new alert options as a parameter for the .display({ new options }) method. Just like it's done below.

// For alert
alert.display({ type : 'success', message : 'All went well' });

// For confirm
   title : 'Process This?',
   message : 'This process will run and do what it has to',
   accept_label : 'Process', reject_label : 'Cancel',
   call_back : function(choice){
      // Manage choice
      if (choice == 'yes') return console.log('Yes'); console.log('No');

// For progress
   title : 'Uploading image...', call_back : function(progress,element,box){
      // Manage progress hand
      $(progress).css({ 'width' : '30%' })

// For input
   title : 'What Is Your Favorite Fruit?', message : 'No vegetables please',
   placeholder : 'Enter a fruit', type : 'text',
   process_label : 'Submit', discard_label : 'Discard'
   call_back : function(input,choice,element){
      // Manage choice & element [ button clicked ]
      $(element).hide(); $(element).siblings().show();

// For call
   routing_id : 22, name : 'John', username : 'johnnyboy',
   avatar : '', type : 'video',
   call_back : function(action,routing_id,username,type){
      // Manage choice
      if (action == 'yes') { console.log('answered') }
      else { console.log('rejected') }

Global Object Options

Option Type Default Purpose
anchor string "body" Anchor element to which all alerts are appended. Start string with "." for class selection or "#" for id selection.
stack boolean false Stacking alert messages against each other. NOTE: This option only works for both Alert and Progress templates.
stack_position string "top" Stacking order. NOTE: This option only works if stacking is enabled and only supports "top" and "bottom".
theme boolean true Determines whether to enable dark or light mode themes. NOTE: This option does not rely on a browser's OS.
theme_type string "snow" Set to apply dark or light theme color palette. NOTE: This option only works if theme is enabled supports "snow" and "darcula".
theme_backgrounds object { snow : { solid : '#FFFFFF', alpha : 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)', color : '#363636' }, darcula : { solid : '#363636', alpha : 'rgba(54,54,61,0.5)', color : '#FFFFFF' } } Defines set of color palettes to be used for dark and light mode themes. NOTE: This option is only applicable if theme is enabled.
accent string "#6671F0" Color to be applied to buttons and other indicators.
blur boolean true Determines whether to apply back-drop blur filter or a solid one.
static_background string "#6671F0" Background color for templates when theme and blur has been disabled.
static_color string "#FFFFFF" Text color for templates when theme has been disabled.
static_alpha string "rgba(102,113,240,0.5)" Background color for templates when theme has been disabled but blur is enabled.
responsive boolean true Determines whether to set different positions of alert for mobile and desktop resolutions. NOTE: This option only applies to Alert templates.
responsiveness_threshold int 800 Threshold to determine when to use mobile or desktop versions of the Alert template. If view width is within this value, mobile is set else desktop is set.
auto_close boolean true Set to enable or disable auto-close for alerts. Applies to only Alert templates.
auto_close_speed int 2500 Number of seconds before alert gets auto-closed. NOTE: Time unit is milliseconds and applies to only Alert templates.
landscape boolean false Force set landscape for alerts. NOTE: This option only works when responsive is enabled and applies to Alert templates.
force_padding int 0 Set extra top padding for alerts to get away with device status bar or notch coverage.

Display Method Options


Option Type Default Purpose
message string "Test Message" Alert message text.
type string "success" Defines if alert message is success or an error. NOTE: This option only supports "success" and "error".
call_back function function Function triggered on alert closure.


Option Type Default Purpose
message string "Test Message" Alert message text.
type string "success" Defines if alert message is success or an error. NOTE: This option only supports "success" and "error".
call_back function function Function triggered on alert closure.


Option Type Default Purpose
title string "Run This Test?" Context title.
message string "This process will run and do what it has to" Message text.
accept_label string "Yes" Text on acceptance button.
reject_label string "No" Text on rejection button.
fragment boolean true Determines whether or not to allow URL fragmenting for template.
call_back function function Function triggered on choice selection.


Option Type Default Purpose
title string "Run This Test?" Progress task label/title.
call_back function function Function triggered on prrogress template show. This function makes available both progress hand and element for progress manipulation.


Option Type Default Purpose
title string "Your Favorite Fruit?" Context title.
message string "No vegetables please" Message text of requied input.
placeholder string "Enter a fruit" Input field placeholder.
type string "text" Determines the accepted input type. NOTE: This option supports both text and number input types.
process_label string "Submit" Text on process button.
discard_label string "Discard" Text on discard button.
fragment boolean true Determines whether or not to allow URL fragmenting for template.
call_back function function Function triggered on input submission. NOTE: This fuction returns the choice selected, the selected button and input for processing.


Option Type Default Purpose
routing_id int 0 A webRTC id [ custom usage ].
name string "John" Caller screen name [ custom usage ].
username string "johnney" Caller screen username [ custom usage ].
avatar string "" Caller avatar/image source URL [ custom usage ].
type string "video" Call type [ custom usage ]. This option only supports "video" and "audio".
call_back function function Function triggered on choice selection. [ custom usage ]

Updating Global Object Options

Use the .update({ new options }) method to update a declared global template options.

Sound Source

Sound Effect Support

Sound effects were omitted starting from version 2.0.0.

Release History

  • Initial [ v1.0.0 ]
  • 11/28/2022 [ v2.0.0 ]




An advanced JavaScript alert/dialog library for all PWAs. NPM accessible.





