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This repository attempts to be a testbed for exploring Bazel. The idea is to build a mini version of everything we need to do for Pachyderm production code here first, and see if it's okay before we commit to tackling that complexity.

Today we have:

  • Go (server, tests, force-disabling cgo like pachyderm/pachyderm does, nogo lint)

To add:

  • Go linting (checks from golangci-lint)
  • Helm (releases)
  • Jsonnet (lint, tests)
  • Python (PyPI releases, lint)
  • Typescript + React (npm releases, lint, tests)
  • Docker builds (multiarch)
  • Kubernetes helpers (build containers, setup minikube, deploy helm chart, upgrade helm chart after rebuild, etc.)
  • Darwin/Arm64 cc toolcahin
  • Properly vendor tooling (prettier, kind/minikube, etc.)
  • Buildifier lint / test; verifying that gazelle was run.

How to

Install Bazel

You can setup tab completion in your shell after this, see

Setup your editor for Bazel

Setup your editor for Go

Basically, configure LSP integration to set GOPACKAGESDRIVER to tools/ when such a thing exists in the project root (as it does in this project). This allows you to treat generated files (like protobufs) as though they were actually checked in, even though they're not.

Run the tests

bazel test ...

Output goes to a file by default. That's useful when testing everything, but not so helpful when you're debugging a single test. Run this instead:

bazel test --test_output=all ...

You can add a test --test_output=errors or test --test_output=all line to a .bazelrc.local file in this directory if you find yourself always running the tests like this.

Run the Go server

bazel run //go/cmd/go-echo

Generate BUILD.bazel files for new Go / proto / Python code

bazel run gazelle

If you're creating a new package or file, you probably want to just make a minimal go file:

package whatever

and then run Gazelle. You won't have editor hints until there is a bazel rule that builds the file you're editing.

Use a go module

go get
bazel run gazelle-update-repos

Do note that things like go mod tidy don't work anymore; go mod doesn't know about GOPACKAGESDRIVER and thus thinks generated packages are third-party libraries that we depend on, but they're not.

It seems likely that go.mod and the actual dependencies we depend on will get out of sync over time. At the end of the day, deps.bzl is authoritative.

go mod why

You'll need to use bazel queries instead of Go tooling here.


We support Bazel platforms, so you can build a binary for a foreign architecture like:

bazel build //go/cmd/go-echo  --platforms=//:linux_arm64

Platforms are declared in platforms.bzl. List them with:

bazel query 'kind("platform", ...)'

Adding the --toolchain_resolution_debug=. to the build command will print some messages about which toolchain is being used. Cross-compilation involves installing a mini Linux distribution in the output directory that contains tools that will exist on the target system. Right now we use ChromeOS's sysroots; a list of which is available here:

In the future we will probably use a Docker rule to pull Debian stable or something.

It would also be nice to somehow run cross-compiled code in an emulator for a basic sanity check. Probably quite possible. I don't know how to do it.

Deploy the current state of the workspace to a live k8s environment

Create a KinD cluster:

if [ "$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' "${reg_name}" 2>/dev/null || true)" != 'true' ]; then
  docker run \
    -d --restart=always -p "${reg_port}:5000" --name "${reg_name}" \

cat <<EOF | kind create cluster --name=kind --config=-
kind: Cluster
- |-
    endpoint = ["http://${reg_name}:5000"]

Then deploy: bazel run local.create.

After you make a change: bazel run local.replace. You can see what replace is going to do with bazel run local.diff.

Run Python

bazel run //py/hello

Note that you need Python 3 installed, but only to do some housekeeping; the actual script runs with the Python version declared in WORKSPACE: bazelbuild/rules_python#691