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Network telemetry

Network telemetry software consists of two major components:
Data collectors is a software which installed on network switches, routers & firewalls and are used to communicate/send data to centralized analytics service
Analytics engine is a service, which consists of queuing/load-balancing software, noSQL database, analytics software, visualization frameworks.

Data collectors are implemented by different vendors in the same way. Here is the comparison:

vendor encoding & encap data model dial-out
transport protocol
subscription protocol
microsoft(SONiC) protobufs json yang grpc grpc
cisco protobufs json yang native OC grpc udp netconf cli
arista protobufs json yang gprc netconf netconf cli
juniper protobufs json avro yang grpc udp netconf cli
huawei protobufs json yang json xml grpc IPFIX udp grpc netconf cli

Telemetry analytics service

Telemetry data in large infrastrcuture could be 1-5 Tb per day. Network vendors fork open-source software and pack it into their telemetry brand products. Here is the comparison:

vendor brand data lake queuing analytics dashboards
micrisoft (SONiC) none redis none none none
cisco tetration druid mongodb hdfs kafka spark proprietary
cisco nexus dashboard elastic search kafka flink spark proprietary
cisco DNA center influxdb kafka spark proprietary
cisco pipeline influx elastic search prometheous kafka ? grafana
arista cloud vision hbase elastic search hdfs kafka proprietary proprietary
arista go arista influx elastic search kafka ? ?
juniper jti mon prometheous influx kafka none none
juniper open NTI influx ? none grafana
huawei iMaster druid hdfs kafka spark proprietary

We are also seeing many new open source projects related to streaming telemetry, such as: Pipeline (backed by Cisco), OpenNTI (backed by Juniper), GoArista (backed by Arista)

Popular open-source software for network telemetry

function software
time-series databases influxDB kdb+ promotheus RRDTool timescaleDB graphite openTSDB victoria metrics warp10
other databases used cassandra counchDB elastic search mongoDB hbase redis kudu druid
analytics spark flink kapacitor storm heron
queing kafka rabbitMQ zeroMQ activeMQ
dashboard graphana kibana chronograf
data collectors telegraf fluentd logstash metricbeat logstash collectd statsd beats promtail node-exporter

Databases for telemetry comparison

We tested the following databases functionality (not performance) as telemetry data storage. Here are our findings:

database remarks
influx many plugins for telegraf beautiful UI analogue to kibana & graphana easy to install many succcess stories queing is integraded replication/backup function is not free joining data is pain with CPU 100% utilization
promotheus works with pull data gathering model not suitable if network devices are behind NAT need to install aditional push-server
openTSDB no ecosystem hard to install
victoria metrics no success stories political
warp10 has great UI has ecosystem
elastic search has great ecosystem well-known product breaks when indices more than 50M entries