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How to make a release

Elsie edited this page Aug 27, 2023 · 4 revisions


  1. Make sure that the release notes are drafted. This usually includes selecting a name and a color.
Patch Minor Major
Shade New color New color
  1. Create Pac art for the release.
  2. Edit the manpage template and update it with any information.
  3. Create a branch to your fork from develop.
    • Edit pacstall and update the color code (in RGB), the version number, and name.
    • Create a file in misc/ called, and copy paste the manpage template into it. Run the command at the bottom of the manpage template page.
    • Commit it with the commit messages just like you would do an update on pacstall-programs (upd(pacstall): old -> new) with the backticks.
    • Push it.
    • Merge it into develop.
  4. Go to the cloned repo (git clone and pull from develop.
  5. git checkout master.
  6. git merge develop && git push origin master.
  7. Publish the release draft.
  8. Create the pacstall deb and attach it with the name pacstall-${version}.deb.
  9. If any features/deprecations happened, look in all our docs and update them accordingly.
  1. Create the new docker by going into repo-maintain, editing the Dockerfile description, then running:
docker build --no-cache -t pacstall .
docker tag pacstall
docker tag pacstall<version>
docker push
docker push<version>
  1. Push the updated Dockerfile with the same commit used to update pacstall.
  1. Make an announcement linking to the release page.