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PadoGrid 1.x Host OS

GemFire/Geode and MySQL Sync

This bundle is preconfigured to synchronize Geode/GemFire with MySQL running as a Docker container. It includes the db cluster app to read/write from/to Geode/GemFire and MySQL. It also includes instructions for replacing MySQL with another database.

Installing Bundle

# Instal in the current workspace
install_bundle -download bundle-geode-1-docker-dbsync_mysql

# Install in the new bundle default workspace
install_bundle -download -workspace bundle-geode-1-docker-dbsync_mysql

# Install in the new bundle default workspace with git intact
install_bundle -checkout bundle-geode-1-docker-dbsync_mysql

Use Case

The client applications read/write from/to Geode/GemFire which in turn read/write from/to a database. The database is used as the persistent store and Geode/GemFire as the bidirectional cache-aside store. The Geode/GemFire regions are configured with the LRU eviction policy to evict entries if the used heap size reaches 80% of the maximum heap size. This ensures the Geode/GemFire cluster will have at least 20% of free memory at all time which is necessary for executing distributed operations such as query and function executions.

DB Sync Screenshot

Bundle Contents

└── db

└── dbsync_mysql

Configuring Bundle Environment


The db cluster has been preconfigured to connect to MySQL on localhost with the user name root and the password password. If you need to change user name and password, edit etc/hibernate.cfg-mysql.xml.

switch_cluster db
vi etc/hibernate.cfg-mysql.xml

Create and build perf_test_db

We will use the perf_test app included in PadoGrid to ingest data into the Geode/GemFire cluster.

# Create perf_test with the name 'perf_test_db'
create_app -name perf_test_db

# We need to download the MySQL binary files by building `perf_test_db` as follows.
cd_app perf_test_db; cd bin_sh

Startup Sequence

# 0. If you installed the bundle as a workspace, then make sure to first switch into
#    to set the workspace context.
switch_workspace bundle-geode-1-docker-dbsync_mysql

# 1. Add a locator and at least two (2) members to the `db` cluster. All bundles come without members.
switch_cluster db
add_locator; add_member -count 2

# 2. Run the cluster.

# 3. Monitor the log file. Hibernate has been configured to log SQL statements
#    executed by the CacheWriterLoaderPkDbImpl plugin.

# 4. Open another terminal and launch Docker Compose in background (-d).
cd_docker dbsync_mysql
docker-compose up -d
  1. The Docker Compose environment includes Adminer. Open it in the browser and add the nw database in which we will be syncronizing Geode/GemFire the nw/customers and nw/orders regions. When you run the test_group script (see below), the customers and orders tables will automatically be created in the nw database by Hibernate invoked by the CacheWriterLoaderPkDbImpl plugin.

Adminer URL: http://localhost:8081

Username: root
Password: password
Database to create: nw

Adminer Screenshot

  1. Ingest data

The test_group script creates mock data for Customer and Order objects and ingests them into the Geode/GemFire cluster which in turn writes to MySQL via the CacheWriterLoaderPkDbImpl plugin included in the PadoGrid distribution. The same plugin is also registered to retrieve data from MySQL for cache misses in the cluster.

cd_app perf_test_db; cd bin_sh
./test_group -prop ../etc/ -run

You should see SQL statements being logged if you are running show_log.

  1. View data in Geode/GemFire using gfsh

Start gfsh:


From gfsh prompt, execute queries:

# Connect to the Geode cluster
connect --locator=localhost[10334]

# Set viwer to external see wider results
set variable --name=APP_RESULT_VIEWER --value=external

# Query
query --query="select * from /nw/customers"
query --query="* from /nw/orders"


Result : true
Limit  : 100
Rows   : 100

  createdOn   |   updatedOn   |    orderId    |  customerId   |  employeeId   |   orderDate   | requiredDate  |  shippedDate  | >
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | >
1653780864087 | 1653780864087 | "k0000000507" | "000000-0032" | "743852+2379" | 1653648619865 | 1654347428530 | 1653851334600 | >
1653780864674 | 1653780864674 | "k0000000921" | "000000-0069" | "275216+5010" | 1653709244781 | 1654203505536 | 1653930797388 | >
1653780865772 | 1653780865772 | "k0000000246" | "000000-0031" | "156647+4161" | 1653657463919 | 1654485933209 | 1653808276471 | >
1653780864604 | 1653780864604 | "k0000000665" | "000000-0041" | "869253+8962" | 1653239063936 | 1654021039572 | 1653641358786 | >
1653780865603 | 1653780865603 | "k0000000486" | "000000-0086" | "401486-7602" | 1653313715518 | 1653472260037 | 1653589506543 | >
1653780864159 | 1653780864159 | "k0000000263" | "000000-0020" | "668479+9129" | 1653552418996 | 1653971345292 | 1653561386259 | >
1653780864241 | 1653780864241 | "k0000000019" | "000000-0035" | "308644+0336" | 1653194074130 | 1653996315071 | 1653382193282 | >
1653780865330 | 1653780865330 | "k0000000714" | "000000-0044" | "507709-0879" | 1653490294204 | 1653532847889 | 1653701386065 | >
1653780864671 | 1653780864671 | "k0000000420" | "000000-0064" | "801823-7795" | 1653681106301 | 1654329775487 | 1654007008834 | >
1653780864247 | 1653780864247 | "k0000000395" | "000000-0013" | "577014-4050" | 1653581735042 | 1653873902194 | 1653992836042 | >
1653780864530 | 1653780864530 | "k0000000412" | "000000-0059" | "801885+2534" | 1653484023273 | 1653909938460 | 1653806676319 | >
1653780864897 | 1653780864897 | "k0000000683" | "000000-0055" | "948682-6556" | 1653234907286 | 1653437545764 | 1653338913759 | >
1653780865527 | 1653780865527 | "k0000000480" | "000000-0008" | "348796-1949" | 1653715632146 | 1653776684564 | 1653723975534 | >
1653780865388 | 1653780865388 | "k0000000593" | "000000-0083" | "030442+0108" | 1653602574848 | 1654281337283 | 1653983949393 | >
1653780865034 | 1653780865034 | "k0000000068" | "000000-0090" | "102682+0517" | 1653664645984 | 1653860921936 | 1653982658967 | >
1653780864635 | 1653780864635 | "k0000000667" | "000000-0025" | "848853+7049" | 1653315041686 | 1654124258722 | 1653379733391 | >
1653780865068 | 1653780865068 | "k0000000446" | "000000-0076" | "712278+5902" | 1653483476863 | 1653521981163 | 1653504051825 | >
1653780863990 | 1653780863990 | "k0000000001" | "000000-0059" | "097525+6996" | 1653485090441 | 1654251011343 | 1653770780459 | >
1653780864348 | 1653780864348 | "k0000000652" | "000000-0072" | "453380-1015" | 1653324130284 | 1654052346432 | 1653685603196 | >
1653780864912 | 1653780864912 | "k0000000059" | "000000-0093" | "472717+7565" | 1653492836783 | 1653708893577 | 1653665835407 | >
1653780864382 | 1653780864382 | "k0000000529" | "000000-0003" | "323643+6147" | 1653710011976 | 1653996754040 | 1654137087656 | >
1653780864260 | 1653780864260 | "k0000000271" | "000000-0058" | "615319-4712" | 1653778304421 | 1654267741083 | 1654167530667 | >
  1. View Geode/GemFire using Pulse

You can use Pulse to view data.

URL: http://localhost:7070/pulse

Using the SQL Browser, execute the following queries.

select * from "/nw/customers";
select * from "/nw/orders";

Management Center Query Browser

  1. View MySQL using Adminer

From Adminer, execute the following queries.

select * from customers;
select * from orders;

Adminer Query

Replacing MySQL with Another Database

If you have a database other than MySQL then you need to download the appropriate JDBC driver and update the Hibernate configuration file. The JDBC driver can be downloaded by adding the database dependency in the pom.xml file in the perf_test_db directory and run the build_app command as shown below.

cd_app perf_test_db
vi pom.xml

The following shows the PostgresSQL dependency that is already included in the pom.xml file.

<!-- -->

Build the app. The build_app command downloads your JDBC driver and automatically deploys it to the $PADOGRID_WORKSPACE/lib directory.

cd bin_sh

Configure Hibernate. Copy the etc/hibernate.cfg-mysql.xml file in the cluster directory to a file with another name, e.g., hibernate.cfg-mydb.xml and include the driver and login information in the new file.

cp etc/hibernate.cfg-mysql.xml etc/hibernate.cfg-mydb.xml
vi etc/hibernate.cfg-mydb.xml

Set the cluster to the new Hibernate configuration file. Edit bin_sh/ and set the HIBERNATE_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to the new Hibernate configuration file name.

vi bin_sh/

For our example, you would set HIBERNATE_CONFIG_FILE in the bin_sh/ file as follows:



# Stop the cluster
stop_cluster -all

# Stop Docker Compose
cd_docker dbsync_mysql
docker-compose down

Troubleshooting Guide

1. I'm getting the following exception when I run test_group.

Exception in thread "Thread-8" Exception in thread "Thread-10" org.apache.geode.cache.client.ServerConnectivityException: Pool unexpected socket timed out on client connection=Pooled Connection to localhost:40404,<v1>:41001: Connection[DESTROYED] attempt=2). Server unreachable: could not connect after 2 attempts
Caused by: Read timed out

This may occur if you have not created the nw database in MySQL. You can look at a member log to confirm this error as follows.

show_log -full |grep "Unknown database"


2022-05-29 09:07:50 ERROR SqlExceptionHelper:142 - Unknown database 'nw'

Make sure to create the nw database as described in the Startup Sequence section. For this change to take effect, you may need to restart the Geode/GemFire cluster as shown below.

# Restart Geode cluster

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