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L'applicazione consente la condivisione di materiale didattico tra gli studenti dell'università. Questi possono caricare e scaricare file. Il materiale è organizzato per i vari corsi di studio. È possibile consultare una pagina di presentazione e statisctiche per ogni corso presente. Gli studenti inoltre possono offrire delle lezioni di ripetizione agli altri studenti.

Getting Started

  • Ruby version 2.5.1


For files storage we will use Amazon S3 service. For mails we will user sendgrid (Heroku) smtp servers. Both services requires credentials setup, for this purpose we can use encrypted credentials. You cannot use plain text credentials. There's only config/credentials.yml.enc

To edit this file use:

EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit

This will create a config/master.key file, which sotres the encryption key, this file HAVE TO remain secret. There two option to provide the KEY to the production environment:

  • Place the config/master.key file in the server. You’ll normally want to symlink this file to a shared folder in the server filesystem. Again, do not version your config/master.key file.
  • Create a RAILS_MASTER_KEY ENV variable. Rails will detect it and use it as your master key, e.g. in heroku: heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY=.

Template of config/credentials.yml.enc:

  access_key_id: <s3_access_key>
  secret_access_key: <s3_secret_access_key>

  user_name: <sendgrid_user_name>
  password: <sendgrid_pwd>


  • System dependencies
sudo apt-get install imagemagick -y
sudo apt install ffmpeg -y
sudo apt-get install mupdf mupdf-tools

Install postgresql database. If needed edit config/database.yml and set databse params.


Install gem

bundle install

Create database and migrate schema

rails db:create
rails db:migrate

Run puma server:

rails s


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