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vpesudo edited this page Mar 9, 2017 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the k600analyser wiki!

We should start using this for documentation purposes.


Following Phil's requirements, I post this here as a fancy way of plotting the hitmap of the MMMs. My real motivation is the intrinsic beauty of it, but to sell you the product I will tell that it is useful for diagnosis of the behaviour of the MMMs.


Setting the conditions "DetectorHit == N" shows you the behaviour of each detector. The representation is a bit tricky, because even if the values of theta are in (0,pi) and the values of phi (0,2pi) one needs to plot (-pi,pi) and (-2pi,2pi) for the plot to be centered at 0. Because of that, although we have 40 sectors (5*8) we must generate 80 bins, 40 of which will be empty (-2pi,0), and 40 our the ones of interest (0,2pi).

The division of theta in 30 is arbitrary (any number above 16 would work) and the 5 in (5+StripFront) is also arbitrary, introduced to avoid having the rings too close to 0 and making it more similar to the actual look of CAKE.

This could be done using SiliconTheta and SiliconPhi. The problem, in that case, is assuring that the different pixels fell in different bins. For analysis of angular distributions one can use that as long as knows the actual solid angle within each bin in its plot, but for diagnosis I consider the posted option more straightforward.

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