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Golang implementation for 2CGaming Apps backend.

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2cgaming API

Table of Contents


This project had a few goals in mind, the foremost of which was to simplify and accelerate the work of future developers, specifically in extending the functionality of the application for future published works of 2CGaming, LLC. Golang was chosen for its fast compiling, iteration, and testing speeds, as well as its ease of learning and superior performance to as a backend language. By maintaining the seperation of concerns into discrete go packages, descriptive naming, and this documentation, future developers will hopefully find it easy to build upon this project.

/ - main package - instantiates a server, connects to the database, and routes requests to their respective handlers. Middleware is applied to route handlers at this level. Static asset requests are handled here, but all other request and response handling (to prefix /api) should be handled in /app/.

/app - contains the request and response handling for the various APIs. Functions hang as methods off a Handler struct for each major service of the API, because, as names across services may become very similar, this will reduce naming conflicts.

/middleware - contains logic for form validation, authentication, logging, etc.

/db - connects to and operates with the database. All database controllers hang off a Connection struct to keep the namespace environment clean. Files in this package should never operate on response or request objects.

/db/models - contains various struct for easier json scanning and form validation.

/web - contains frontend assets


Getting started

Installing Dependencies

  • go version go1.13 darwin/amd64
  • npm v6.12.1

Database Configuration

  • Mysql 5.7

Starting Server

For security purposes, the username and password for the database are not stored in the repo but are accessed through environment variables at run time. For example, from the go root directory:

go get api

go build

SQL_USER="very_serious_name" SQL_PW='verys3curep@ssword' ./app

Failure to connect will result in a fatal error. Check your variables

Trap Compendium API

Because of the ubiquity of the word component in many languages, packages, and contexts, the word 'effect' has been used in all Trap Compendium tables, apps, etc.

Effects have 4 param fields, which are 8 tab seperated values, starting with the name of the field followed by the 7 tier values.

GET api/tc/components

Requests all triggers, targets, and effects.

Success Response

  • Code: 200
  • Content: Array of component objects in the following format:
Key Datatype
_id int
name string
type string
text string
cost int
param1 string
param2 string
param3 string
param4 string

Error Response


GET api/tc/components/short

Requests all triggers, targets, and effects, truncated to key values. This route is mostly for editing and posting new upgrades.

Success Response

  • Code: 200
  • Content: Array of component objects in the following format:
Key Datatype
_id int
name string
type string

Error Response


Epic Spell Codex API



If you are new to this project and Go, here would be the steps you would take to extend the application for a Monster Manual application, after deciding on data shape and tables.

  1. Create db/models/monstermanual.go

    • export a struct type Monster:
      ID          int
      CR          int
      Name        string
      Description string
  2. Create db/monstermanual.go

    • create a new method for the Connection struct, such as GetMonsters(). Ping the database, and query for monsters if successful
    func (c *Connection) GetComponents(ctx context.Context, queryType string) (r *sql.Rows, err error) {
      if err := c.Client.Ping(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
      return c.Client.QueryContext(ctx, "SELECT * FROM mm_monsters")
  3. Create /app/monstermanual -> package monstermanual

    • In app/monstermanual/app.go, export a struct type MonsterManualAPI, and a function that returns an instance of MonsterManualAPI.
    type MonsterManualAPI struct {
      DB *db.Connection
    func NewHandler(db *db.Connection) Handler {
      return MonsterManualAPI{db}
    • In app/monstermanual/routes.go, create a method for MonsterManualAPI that uses the new database controller, and returns a route Handler.
    func (mm *MonsterManualAPI) GetMonsters() http.HandlerFunc {
      return func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
        ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
        rows, err := mm.DB.GetMonsters(ctx)
        if err != nil {
          //handle error
        defer rows.Close()
        var monsters []models.Monster
        for rows.Next() {
          var m models.Monster
          err = rows.Scan(&m.ID, &m.CR, &m.Name, &m.Description)
          if err != nil {
          //handle error
          monsters = append(monsters, m)
        data, err := json.Marshal(monsters)
        if err != nil {
          //handle error
        res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
  4. in /router.go connect new route

    • create a new method for the server struct, such as applyMonsterManualRoutes()
    func (s *server) applyMonsterManualRoutes(router *mux.Router) {
      MMAPI := monstermanual.NewHandler{s.db}
      router.HandlerFunc("/monsters", MMAPI.GetMonsters()).Methods("GET")
    • Connect the new router to the main router
      func (s *server) createMainRouter() {
        r := mux.NewRouter()
        // apply other routes
        subrouter := r.PathPrefix("/api/monstermanual").Subrouter()

Change Log

Name Version Date Description
@pafrias 0.1.0 Nov-5-2019 Create tutorial, scrap custom validator for go-playground/form validator.
@pafrias 0.1.0 Oct-31-2019 Create version 0.1.0


Golang implementation for 2CGaming Apps backend.






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