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How to Install or Upgrade

Claude Pageau edited this page Feb 11, 2019 · 105 revisions

Instructions for Easy curl or Manual Install

Quick Install

Will perform a New Install or Upgrade Existing Install. Note: Existing Configuration and plugin Files will Not be overwritten. Most recent config's will have .new extension to avoid loosing customization settings.

Step 1 Highlight curl command in code box below using mouse left button. Right click mouse in highlighted area and Copy.
Step 2 On RPI putty SSH or terminal session right click, select paste then Enter to download and run script.

curl -L | bash  

Command above will perform the following

  • Create a ~/pi-timolo folder if it Does Not Exist
  • wget required pi-timolo files from GitHub Repo
  • Update executable permissions
  • Install/upgrade Required Dependencies
  • Install plugins if not already installed. Note: Delete/Rename plugin(s) to download a fresh copy.
  • Install rclone into /usr/bin/rclone if not already installed
  • Note: You should run sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade prior to install/upgrade since this is not longer included with the script

Test Run pi-timolo

To Test Run pi-timolo and view logging perform the following commands.

cd ~/pi-timolo

Verify motion (per screen log entries) then ctrl-c to exit This will create any required image storage folder(s) per settings in (default motion Track HD image and timelapse HD image at 5 min interval enabled)

Edit file using nano editor to change desired settings per variable comments.


ctrl-x y to Save changes, Then Test and review logging and images output for desired operation.


How To Upgrade

To upgrade an existing pi-timolo installation you can

Note An upgrade will Not overwrite existing configuration files. Latest GitHub configuration files will be copied with new in the filename. If there are significant changes you will need to copy the newer configuration file and restore any customization settings.
To upgrade a plugin(s) delete/rename the desired plugin filename and run upgrade

Manual Install

if you wish to review install script prior to execution

cd ~
chmod +x

Upgrade Selected Files

You can upgrade selected pi-timolo files from the list below. This assumes you have previously installed pi-timolo and just want to refresh a single file. wget will not change file permissions.

cd ~/pi-timolo

Highlight then Right Click, Copy selected entry below. Paste into SSH or Terminal session while in the pi-timolo folder.

 wget -O
 wget -O

 wget -O
 wget -O
 wget -O
 wget -O
 wget -O

 wget -O
 wget -O

This is not a full list of files and does not include rclone samples, plugins and Others. It is recommended that you run curl Quick Upgrade to perform a complete upgrade.

Turn Off Camera LED

The default is for the Camera LED to be on when taking images. To disable the camera LED you need to edit the /boot/config.txt file

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Using the nano editor add the following line to the end of the file.


ctrl-x y to save nano changes, then reboot the Raspberry Pi for the change to take effect.

How to Run

How to Troubleshoot Basic Problems

Update Firmware (optional)

IMPORTANT: The latest Raspbian versions should automatically update firmware as part of normal apt-get update and /or upgrade. There may be situations where you may want to manually update firmware. release 4.50 or greater fixes problems with green or tinted images. If you are still experiencing issues with pi-camera images you may want to update the raspberry pi firmware using the following command. Caution You should Backup any essential files if needed. Make sure Raspberry Pi has internet access. From a SSH console or desktop terminal session execute the following command to update firmware. If the firmware is out of date you will be asked to upgrade or you will just get a message that you have the latest firmware.

sudo rpi-update   

If an update was done then reboot and perform a raspberry pi update and upgrade

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

for more details see

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