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How to Run

Claude Pageau edited this page Mar 18, 2024 · 29 revisions

Admin with

If you do not wish to see speed camera verbose tracking data you can run

cd ~/speed-camera

How to Run and view verbose log messages

Edit and verify variable verbose = True

cd ~/speed-camera

How to Run

There are several ways to start and/or

  1. ./ can run and as background tasks using supervisorctrl service. This will attempt autostart if running. Logs are sent to /var/log/ ./ install creates symbolic links from ~/speed-cam/supervisor to /etc/supervisor/conf.d folder. This is required to initialize supervisorctl.
    IMPORTANT: Make sure no other instances of and/or are running. Disable any cron jobs or other boot startup processes. For details see link above.

  2. ./ is a whiptail menu system that has menu picks to stop, start and display status

  3. ./ or ./ runs scripts directly from command line. Useful for debugging. Also eg python3

  4. ./ or ./ will start, stop, status programs as background tasks so you can exit ssh or terminal session and continue running in background

To run as a background task or on boot from /etc/rc.local then

cd ~/speed-camera
./ start

or to run on boot edit /etc/rc.local file using nano editor per command below

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Then add line below before the exit line then ctrl-x y to save and reboot to test

/home/pi/speed-camera/ start
exit 0    

Edit the script to suit your needs per comments.
Note you may need to change the sleep delay time if rc.local does not run script successfully at boot, since services may need more time to start.

To Run using python3 perform the following (Note you must have opencv setup for python3) NOTE: IMHO operation under python3 is not faster compared to python2. I recommend you run under python2

sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip  
sudo pip-3.2 install -y Pillow
python3 ./

if you get opengl error then install support library per following command then reboot.

sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri  

also on raspberry pi 3's activate opengl support using

sudo raspi-config,

From 9 Advanced Options select AA GL Driver then enable driver and reboot

How to Change Settings