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PagermonPi Image For Raspberry Pi

Nathanial Marsh edited this page Jan 16, 2022 · 12 revisions


Getting Started

  1. Download the latest PagermonPi Image from Pagermon Releases page
  2. Extract file onto your PC using WinRAR
  3. Burn .img file onto SD Card using your favorite image writing software eg. Win32DiskImager(Windows), Balena Etcher (Linux/Mac)
  4. Insert SD Card into your Raspberry Pi
  5. Boot Pi

Logging Into PagermonPi

You can login via SSH or Console using the following details

Username: pi

Password: raspberry

Setting Up PagermonPi

Expand the partition to the full size

  1. Type sudo raspi-config terminal
  2. Select option 7 - Advanced Options
  3. Select option A1 - Expand Filesystem
  4. Press Escape to exit
  5. Type sudo shutdown -r now Pi will now reboot and will now be the whole size of your SD Card

Changing Pi Password

  1. Type passwd
  2. Enter current password raspberry
  3. Enter new password x2

Password is now changed

Updating Apt

  1. Type sudo apt update
  2. Type sudo apt -y upgrade Wait till this is finished

Running Pagermon Server

  1. Type cd ~/pagermon/server/ to make sure your in the right directory
  2. Type pm2 start process.json
  3. Type pm2 save
  4. Type sudo pm2 startup
  5. Type pm2 status to check Pagermon Server is running

Accessing Pagermon via Web

  1. Open your browser on your PC on the network and browse to http://(PagermonPi IP):3000 If you don't know the Ip then type ifconfig and look for eth0(Lan) or wlan0(Wireless)
  2. Default credentials are 'admin' / 'changeme'
  3. Head to /admin, change your password, and generate some API keys

Grab your API keys and drop them in the Pagermon Client Config, then you're good to go!

Setting up and configuring Pagermon Client

  1. Type cd ~/pagermon/client/
  2. Move into the client config directory by typing cd ~/pagermon/client/config/
  3. Copy default.json to config.json using cp default.json config.json
  4. edit config.json with your favorite editor eg nano config.json
  "apikey": "**changeme**",
  "hostname": "****",
  "identifier": "**TEST**"
  1. change the things in ** **, see below for a description of each setting

apikey = This is the API key you will have to generate in the Admin/Settings Page eg. http://serverip/admin/settings (Delete the two test ones and add a new one)

hostname = The host name or IP of the Pagermon server (If you run Pagermon Server and Client on same PC then you can put this as

identifier = This will show up in the source column on the server web page good for when you have multiple sources and want to know which one the pager message is coming from

  1. Type cd ~/pagermon/client/
  2. Edit nano and edit frequency and rtl_device number
rtl_fm **-d 0** -E dc -F 0 -A fast -f **148.5875M** -s22050 - |
multimon-ng -q -b1 -c -a POCSAG512 -f alpha -t raw /dev/stdin |
node reader.js

-d 0 - change this to your rtl_device number using rtl_test ( If you only have one SDR attached - this is usually 0)

-f 148.5875M - change this to the frequency you are decoding

Running Pagermon Client

  1. Type cd ~/pagermon/client/
  2. Type pm2 start
  3. Type pm2 save
  4. Type pm2 startup
  5. Type pm2 statusto check Pagermon Client is running

Pagermon Client is now running.