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Install all the dependencies

To install all the dependencies run the following command:

yarn install

Useful commands

To run tests:

yarn run test

To run the server locally:

yarn run start

To create docker image, move to the directory that contains the Dockerfile and run the following command:

make build.image

To lint the code:

yarn run lint

Environment variables

Those are all Environment variables needed by the application:

Variable name Description type
EXPRESS_SERVER_HOSTNAME The HOSTNAME the Express server is listening to string
PORT The HTTP port the Express server is listening to string
LOG_LEVEL The level of the logger string
APPLICATION_NAME The name of the application, used as prefix for the logger string
VERSION The version of the service, it should be populated automatically string
IO_BACKEND_BASE_URL The base URL of IO back-end used as identity provider string
MONGODB_URL The URL used to connect to MongoDB 4.2 compatible string
AUTHENTICATION_COOKIE_KEY The cookie key where the authentication token is expected string
GRANT_TTL_IN_SECONDS The seconds after which the grant expires string
ISSUER The Issuer Identifier defined by Open-ID Connect standard: URL using the https: scheme with no query or fragment component that the OP asserts as its Issuer Identifier string
ENABLE_FEATURE_REMEMBER_GRANT (Optional, default false) Enable or disable the feature that allows a user to remember a grant, valid values true or false boolean
JWK_PRIMARY The JSON Web Key as string string
JWK_SECONDARY (Optional) A second JSON Web Key as string, this field is useful to rotate the keys string


The first thing to do before starting the server locally is create a valid JSON Web Key and assign it to the JWK_PRIMARY environment variable, you can do it using the following command:

curl\?alg\=ES256\&use\=sig\&gen\=timestamp\&crv\=P-256 | jq -c '.jwk'

// The following command append the JSON Web Key to the end of .env.default file
echo JWK_PRIMARY=$(curl\?alg\=ES256\&use\=sig\&gen\=timestamp\&crv\=P-256 | jq -c '.jwk') >> .env.default

After that the server can be started locally with the following command:

// this command starts two container, the database and the server

// this command starts just the database, the server is run with local node
make start.local

Test the flow

  1. Add a new client:
curl --request POST 'http://localhost:3001/clients' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "redirect_uris": [
  "organization_id": "00000000000",
  "service_id": "my-service",
  "response_types": [
  "grant_types": [
  "application_type": "web",
  "client_name": "This is the name of this client",
  "scope": "openid name",
  "token_endpoint_auth_method": "none",
  "id_token_signed_response_alg": "ES256"
  1. Copy from the output the value of the client_id key.
  2. Open the browser on the following endpoint http://localhost:3001, and add the following cookie:
  1. In the same browser session paste the following endpoint replacing the <client_id> with copied client_id value and then:
http://localhost:3001/oauth/authorize?client_id=<client_id>&response_type=id_token&redirect_uri= name&response_mode=form_post&state=<state>&nonce=<nonce>

Project structure

The project follows the Ports and Adapters architecture pattern (also know as Hexagonal architecture). There are three main folders: adapters, useCases and domain.

  • Domain: Contains the structure and the interfaces, this folder doesn't import any code from other folder.
  • UseCases: Contains the use-cases of the system, it depends only on domain.
  • Adapters: Contains the implementations of the interfaces defined into the domain folder, moreover, contains the code that adapts the use-cases to external delivery channel (http).

The OpenID Connect features are implemented through the node-oidc-provider library, all the stuff related to it is encapsulated as adapter in src/adapters/http/openidConnect/nodeOidcProvider folder.