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EMC Value

Andrew edited this page Jun 6, 2015 · 7 revisions
  • Each resource has its own EMC value.
  • The rarer the resource is the higher its EMC value is.
  • EMC Value of other items are calculated throught its crafting recipe.

**EMC Values:**
Object EMC Value
Note1 1
Button, Stone Pressure Plate 2
Gravel, Nether Brick, Stick, Sandstone, Sandstone Slab, Flint 4
Lever 5
Cactus, Furnace, Medium Covalence Dust, Vines, Wooden Planks, Wooden Slab, Dye 8
Torch 9
Cobweb, Fence, Fishing Rod, String, Wooden Stairs 12
Ladder, Arrow 14
Flower, Rose, Lily Pad, Wooden Pressure Plate, Seeds, Melon Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds 16
Wheat, Trap Door, Sticky Resin, Nether Wart, Rotten Flesh, Slimeball 24
Note2 32
Wool (all colors), Bone Meal, Feather 48
Soul Sand 49
Chest, Obsidian, Redstone, Porkchop, Beef, Fish, Chicken, Leather, Clay, Verdant Dust 64
Redstone Torch 68
Bread 72
Painting 80
Iron Bars, Rail, Book, Bone 96
Dispenser 119
Coal, Apple, Note Block, Spider Eye 128
Jack'o'Lantern, Melon, Pumpkin, Bed, Bone 144
Moss Stone 145
Gunpowder, Fermented Spider Eye, Saddle 192
Glistering Melon 243
Brick Block, Brick Slab, Clay Block, Detector Rail, Iron Ingot 256
Bookshelf 336
Brick Stairs, Piston 348
Sticky Piston 372
Cake, Glowstone Dust 384
Blaze Powder, Bucket 768
Water Bucket 769
Magma Cream 792
Lava bucket 832
Milk bucket 833
Lapis Lazuli 864
TNT 964
Ender Pearl 1,024
Compass 1,088
Minecart, Iron Helmet 1,280
Minecart with Furnace 1,288
Minecart with Chest 1,344
Glowstone, Iron Door, Blaze Rod 1,536
Brewing Stand 1,539
Eye of Ender 1,792
Golden Apple 1,944
Gold Ingot, Powered Rail, Azure Dust 2,048
Iron Block 2,304
Ghast Tear 4,096
Lapis Lazuli Block 7,776
Diamond, Emerald, Minium Dust 8,192
Diamond Shovel 8,200
Jukebox 8,256
Diamond Sword 16,388
Diamond Hoe 16,392
Enchantment Table 16,736
Gold Block 18,432
Diamond Pickaxe, Diamond Axe 24,584
Diamond Boots 32,768
Diamond Helmet 40,960
Diamond Leggings 57,344
Diamond Chestplate 65,536
Diamond Block 73,728

Note 1: Cobblestone, Cobblestone Slab, Dead Bush, Fern, Tall Grass, Dirt, Glass, Grass, Ice, Leaves, Mycelium, Netherrack, Sand, Snow, Stone, Stone Brick Stairs, Stone Bricks, Stone Slab, Stone Stairs, Basalt, Basalt Brick, Basalt Cobblestone, Marble, Marble Brick, End Stone, Ash
Note 2: Charcoal, Crafting Table, Fence Gate, Mushroom (Red, Brown), Sapling, Wood, Sugarcane, Paper, Sugar, Egg