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API Reference


Name Description
RemoteOutputs Represents the RemoteOutputs of the remote CDK stack.
RemoteParameters Represents the RemoteParameters of the remote CDK stack.


Name Description
RemoteOutputsProps Properties of the RemoteOutputs.
RemoteParametersProps Properties of the RemoteParameters.

class RemoteOutputs

Represents the RemoteOutputs of the remote CDK stack.

Implements: IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new RemoteOutputs(scope: Construct, id: string, props: RemoteOutputsProps)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (RemoteOutputsProps) No description
    • stack (Stack) The remote CDK stack to get the outputs from.
    • alwaysUpdate (boolean) Indicate whether always update the custom resource to get the new stack output. Default: true
    • timeout (Duration) timeout for custom resource handler. Default: no timeout specified.


Name Type Description
outputs CustomResource The outputs from the remote stack.



Get the attribute value from the outputs.

get(key: string): string
  • key (string) output key.


  • string

class RemoteParameters

Represents the RemoteParameters of the remote CDK stack.

Implements: IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new RemoteParameters(scope: Construct, id: string, props: RemoteParametersProps)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (RemoteParametersProps) No description
    • path (string) The parameter path.
    • region (string) The region code of the remote stack.
    • alwaysUpdate (boolean) Indicate whether always update the custom resource to get the new stack output. Default: true
    • role (aws_iam.IRole) The assumed role used to get remote parameters. Optional
    • timeout (Duration) timeout for custom resource handler. Default: no timeout specified.


Name Type Description
parameters CustomResource The parameters in the SSM parameter store for the remote stack.



Get the parameter.

get(key: string): string
  • key (string) output key.


  • string

struct RemoteOutputsProps

Properties of the RemoteOutputs.

Name Type Description
stack Stack The remote CDK stack to get the outputs from.
alwaysUpdate? boolean Indicate whether always update the custom resource to get the new stack output.
Default: true
timeout? Duration timeout for custom resource handler.
Default: no timeout specified.

struct RemoteParametersProps

Properties of the RemoteParameters.

Name Type Description
path string The parameter path.
region string The region code of the remote stack.
alwaysUpdate? boolean Indicate whether always update the custom resource to get the new stack output.
Default: true
role? aws_iam.IRole The assumed role used to get remote parameters.
timeout? Duration timeout for custom resource handler.
Default: no timeout specified.