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Epicodus Week 12 Solo Project: Pierre's Sweets and Treats, using authentication to see certain parts of the webpage with C# and RESTful routing.

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Language Language Language MIT License

By Paige Tiedeman

This is a C# web application that uses MySQL database to store a many to many relationship for Pierre's Bakery.

Technologies Used

  • C#
  • .NET v5.0
  • ASP.NET Core MVC
  • HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • MySQL
  • CSS
  • MySQL Workbench
  • Razor
  • Entity FrameworkCore
  • .NET Core CLI
  • Identity


This web application stores Treats and Flavors and connects the Treats to specific flavors using routing techniques. Users have to log in to access Treats

Installation Requirements

  • Clone or download the zip file of this repository to your desktop
  • Navigate into the top level directory
  • Open in your code editor
  • Commit and push your .gitignore file to your repo
  • Add the file PierresTreats.Solution/PierresTreats/appsettings.json and insert the following:
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=paige_tiedeman;uid=[YOUR-UID];pwd=[YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE];"
  • Insert your MySQL password and user Id
  • Make sure to have .NET 5.0 installed
  • Run $ dotnet restore to install bin & obj folders
  • Make sure to have dotnet ef installed globally

Steps To Use

  • In your terminal navigate into PierresTreats.Solution/PierresTreats
  • If Migrations folder is not present run $ dotnet ef migrations add Initial to add Migrations folder
  • Run $ dotnet ef migrations add addIdentity and $ dotnet ef migrations add Authorization
  • Then run $ dotnet ef database update to create the schema
  • Run $ dotnet build to build the site
  • Run $ dotnet run to start the live server
  • Click either button to see all Flavors or Treats
  • After clicking add put in your inputs and hit submit to reveal the lists!

User Stories

As A User..
  • I can register, log in and log out with my credentials created.
  • I can view Flavors and treats they are linked to
  • I can create, view, edit and delete flavors when not logged in.
  • I can only view Treats if logged in.
  • Logged in I can edit, create, delete and save Treats.

Known Bugs

  • N/A


MIT: See Badge at top for Info Copyright (c) 2021 Paige Tiedeman

Contact Information

Paige Tiedeman @


Epicodus Week 12 Solo Project: Pierre's Sweets and Treats, using authentication to see certain parts of the webpage with C# and RESTful routing.







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